sorry for going quiet

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Blog About: 

Its been a bit since I blogged, so I want assure everybody I am still alive.

further updates as the situation requires.


No problen; thanks for letting us know.

I'm one of those people who often suffers (make that 'other people suffer') from my "He's talking and won't shut up!" (Sort of but not really 'logorrhea'.) (No! No! - I'm not talking about you.)

Coupla times times I told my first Wife "Dear, I'm not mad, there's 'wrong' or 'going on' - I'm just being quiet for a while."
And sometimes, we just need to 'recharge our batteries'.

We have various kinds of batteries - emotional, physical, caring, ...), ... Or, we need to wait for our Muse, or wait for our "spoons" collection to reach a critical mass, ...
Take care, come back when you're 'comfy'.