Vaccination: Mission Accomplished

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Image by Todd Kay from Pixabay

Today about noon local time, I got my first dose of the Moderna vaccine and an appointment next month for the second dose.

We stood in line for about an hour, then they made me wait about half an hour before I could go since I have known allergies to one vaccine (the original horse-based Salk vaccine 66 years ago). :)

My arm is a bit sore, but nothing unusual for a vaccine. I hope all of you can get your shot (or jab) soon and we can start putting this pandemic behind us.

I'm just glad SoCal decided to have normal winter weather for a while; it was about 62F/17C in a bright sun today. Normal winter weather for us.

For those who are having real winter—or even extraordinary winter weather—be safe, keep warm and get vaccinated as soon as you can.


PS - You can tell that's a winter picture of SoCal hills because they're green. :) - Erin


Lets hope for September...

tmf's picture

Here in Québec, I'll be lucky if I got it before end of August...
As I'm not essential or old enough...
And the big pharma consider Canada as expendable so they slack on the delivery... Didn't hear they lower expectation for others...!
Stay safe everybody.!

Peace and Love tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness
Health & Hope

Lucked Out

LookingGlass's picture

I lucked out working in a hospital that I've already gotten my 2nd jab of it. I was happy that the only side effects from it were a sore arm (though worse than the first time) and feeling super tired and listless for a couple of days.

Had First

. . .and scheduled for second the first of March. Will wait seven days after that and then off to see my new grandson.

No adverse impact.

Spouse got second shot today. No problems. Moderna.

I got Pfizer. Took me back sixty years to using Pfizer vaccine on our dairy cattle.

Found a puppy that we will take home in mid-March.

Life is good!

I attended a zoom meeting today with a high powered conservative DC lobbyist. She went through tons of data. Had Trump kept his mouth shut and stayed out of the covid scientist's way he would have won in a landslide. He managed to break political indicators tied to the economy and re-election for the first time in over 100 years. He lost by being a jerk.

There's a message in there.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


Enemyoffun's picture

My mother works in an Assisted Living Center, she got her first shot yesterday.

My Mom Just Got Her First...

...COVID shot today (Moderna) in San Francisco from Kaiser Permanente, the day after her 93rd birthday. Her second appointment's nearly five weeks down the road. No luck on scheduling my first one yet; I'm 70.

Follow-up: much to my surprise, Kaiser emailed me today and I'm scheduled for Monday at their South San Francisco building.


Kaiser and Covid-19 vaccination

Kaiser Permanente emailed both my wife and me yesterday that we could schedule vaccination. We are both scheduled for this Saturday morning in Oakland. We will find out whether it will be Pfizer or Moderna when we get it, and will receive an appointment for the second shot at that time. We are both over 65 but under 75, the previous cut-off.

As in SoCal, we've been in the mid-60's the past couple of days, and our hills are also green, though we're well behind our usual rain totals so far.

Fully vaccinated with Pfizer,

Lynda shermer's picture

Fully vaccinated with Pfizer, back in January. Of course, to do that, I had to be in a rehab facility... and at that, it was too late; I’d swabbed positive back in December. But in my case, it was just a couple of weeks with a sore throat, so I’m not sure I trust that swab; but they tell me there were signs in my blood work.

Latest_me.jpgLynda Shermer

My whole family had it last March......

D. Eden's picture

And I had very few symptoms. My spouse and my two sons still living at home ran the whole gamut of symptoms (no one hospitalized though), but all I had was a dry cough and I lost my sense of smell and taste for a few days. Some people don’t show much in the way of symptoms - in fact, I’m one of those people who hardly ever gets sick.

But, I did test positive - and I have tested positive for antibodies four times since then. NYS keeps testing one of my sons and I trying to determine just how long our antibodies will last. He is out of the program now though since he has been vaccinated; he’s a teacher and NYS prioritized them. In fact all three of my sons have been vaccinated - one’s a teacher, one’s an investigator with the Sheriff, and the other one works for NYS Department of the Aged and was vaccinated as he interacts with older people.

The nice thing about testing positive for antibodies is that we have both been donating plasma for use in treating people with convalescent’s been over ten months and I am still testing positive for antibodies.

They are going to get exactly 12 months from me though as my spouse and I are scheduled for our first dose on 3/20.

My two sons who have had Covid had a noticeable reaction to the second shot - but they told us to expect it since we already had antibodies. Nothing bad - fever and aches and some joint pain from the lymph nodes.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Smooth Delivery Here

Sara Selvig's picture

I entered at the appointed time and was processed through a couple of stations with no waiting. In fact, the only time I had to wait was afterwards. After the painlessly delivered injection, the next station in line promptly handed me a slip of paper telling me what time I could leave and directed me to a comfortable, freshly sanitized easy chair where I received an appointment card for #2.

Second time I've seen Illinois do something right! (First was the DMV licensing put together by the Sec of State a few years ago.)


Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.

Another Tragedy

Daphne Xu's picture

That's another tragedy of the winter storm in Houston. I don't know how many thousands of doses got wasted because of the power outage.

The novelty of the snow as long since worn out its welcome.

-- Daphne Xu

I get mine today

Angharad's picture

don't know which one or when I'll get a second but the vaccination roll out by the NHS is ahead of anywhere else in the world, so I'm not complaining.

The fact that several vaccines were produced and in use within a year shows what happens when we collaborate but sadly it seems humans are more driven by greed than altruism and most of us can't understand the truth when it bites us.


Had the Pfizer one

Angharad's picture

and now have a stiff arm and a general feeling of being not quite right, yeah I know my normal state. Hopefully, it'll be better tomorrow.


I get mine today

I'm due to get mine here in the UK at 2:40pm GMT.
I thought it would be towards the end of next month, but my Doc's say no. I'm a diabetic with a few other problems too, so my Doc says now is the time. Which one I'm getting I don't know. Just gad to be getting one.
Stay safe everyone.


Better than Corona Itself

BarbieLee's picture

Just to be ahead of everyone I tried out the virus back in Oct. Taste and smell went bonkers, sick as a dog. Take a couple steps and stop to get my breath, lungs full of fluid. Thought I was going to die and afraid I wouldn't. Two tests for Covid, both negative. Not the only one. Lady had three negative tests for Covid, tested positive when she was hospitalized.
Funny after effects for a lot of people. One man no longer tasted hot spices, could eat the hottest spices known and not affected. Sugar turned into my nemesis. Eat a candy bar, drink a soda pop, spoon full of sugar in cereal.and I get sicker than a dog within an hour. It lasts for a couple days before it wears off. Believe what you want, I think it is designer virus. There are no records in mankind's history describing symptoms like this people experienced from any other virus. Pandora's Box has been opened and one day they will go too far.
Have Faith
Life is a gift, don't waste it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Wouldn't be Surprised...

Daphne Xu's picture

... if it were a designer virus. The problem is that I have seen no evidence for it -- except possibly China's attack on journalists who covered the virus. But I wouldn't be surprised if either China or our "intelligence" agencies did so -- or other well-funded secret organizations. I would be surprised if aliens designed it, or if bats designed it.

I got my second vaccine dose a couple weeks ago. No side effects.

Glad to see you survived the virus. I hope that these long-term effects go away.

-- Daphne Xu

I tried out the virus around

Rose's picture

I tried out the virus around the same time as you did. I'm an NAC, or CNA (they changed the initials' order a while back just to confuse people). Since I have had the virus and survived, I figured I'd not waste an early immunization on myself when it could be used elsewhere to a better purpose.



Oh yeah, the strongest

Lynda shermer's picture

Oh yeah, the strongest evidence I had COVID (to me) is the fact I lost the ability to smell my tea bags spice and orange notes; which has now returned. I did running tests from before to afterwards.

Latest_me.jpgLynda Shermer

There are no indications it's a manufactured virus

Angharad's picture

and perhaps it's different because it comes from bats, so if you start hanging upside down, you know why.

The evil of social media leads to every loony with a conspiracy theory to put it on facebook or whatever and people are so stupid, they'd rather believe it than the truth. The only good thing is the technology of vaccines has improved dramatically in the past year, which is just as well because the way we abuse antibiotics, especially in the US beef trade, they're not going to be very useful for much longer, so watch you don't get an ingrowing toenail, it might kill you.


Well, the deed is done

At 2:25pm GMT. I joined channel three, was going to be channel four, but walking stick got me an up-grade as less far to walk. By 2:30 the deed was done and I'd been Pfizer'ed with a return engagement in May.
The old jab in the arm was no problem, didn't even feel it, but was disappointed to not get tea and biscuits after. Just fifteen minutes in a plastic chair to dwell on the facts of life, silently. Good job I took headphones and the kindle.

Mass Vaccination Confusion

I became eligible to search for the elusive vaccination time slot on Thursday when Massachusetts allowed an additional one million people to join the eligible list. Somewhere between 60k and 110k doses were supposed to be available in this week's allotment.

One million new eligible people divided by 110k doses means 9 or more additional weeks to get through the newly eligible not to mention those previously eligible who had not yet succeeded in obtaining an appointment. A complicating factor is that delivery of the following week's doses are apparently affected by the current bad weather around the country.

By 8 AM when the appointments for this week's round of vaccinations hit the system on a first come first served basis, one website showing where the vaccines were available had crashed and the site explaining the requirements was malfunctioning. For a state that prides itself on it's high tech status it was a serious failure for our "competent, experienced executive" governor.

Michelle B

Got mine yesterday too

First dose of Moderna.

Only had to wait 15 minutes before leaving. My arm is a little sore today but if that is the extent I'm fine. I guess there are more side effects after the second dose. Have an appointment for March 19 for second dose. Hang in there people, we're going to get past this.

Green hills look nice. I'm in the Houston Texas area and we've had snow on the ground since Sunday and near record lows. So far I've been ok. Hoping that continues.


Had mine a couple of weeks ago. We had a laugh when I pulled out my International WHO Vaccine certificate.

"Oh. No need to ask if you've ever had a reaction then," she grinned as she opened the multi-page booklet/

Cholera, Typhoid, Smallpox, Yellow Fever, Polio, Tetanus, Influenza and some I can't even read. Thirty six jabs altogether because some only last six months, some a year, some three years while some last for ten years and some last for life.

Now I've got a new one. Covid 19 with ATZ & batch number and it might only last a year. Forty five years at sea inures one to jabs..


I have a compromised immune system and a history of anaphylaxis.

My doctor and I had a long talk about waiting for the J&J vaccine because it has a lower risk of anaphylaxis. He was unhappy whenI decided not to wait because of my co-morbidities, the higher effective rate of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines and where I live where too many neighbors won't wear masks around the complex and mgmt. isn't doing a thing about it. So I got jab one yesterday. Moderna. my arm is sore as hell and I've been drinking lots of water because my mouth and throat are dry. Jab 2 scheduled a month out. Waited for half an hour and didn't have a reaction. Keeping my fingers crossed that jab two doesn't trigger anaphylaxis either.


tmf's picture

I was wondering about those two doses you need.
Maybe some with better understanding about those vaccins can help.
It is my understanding that both Pfizer or Moderna have their own particularity and way of 'triggering' the system. So wouldn't be best if both doses not be from the same sources.? As a way to have a broader effect.?

Love tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness
Hope & Health

Clinical Trials

Daphne Xu's picture

As the two vaccines are different vaccines, the combination would have to go through clinical trials to see the effects of one followed by the other. As it is, the clinical trials have been rushed so we are bound to see side effects that would normally have appeared during the trials. (The rushing was justified, of course.)

-- Daphne Xu