Bailey Summers?

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Several of Bailey Summers' stories were mentioned in Angela Rasch's "Abandoned Stories" blog post, which reminded me to ask this. Has anyone heard from them lately? The last thing they posted was that they were sick at the end of January 2019, and then nothing since.

I tried messaging them back in March but never received a reply. Even if they're not able to continue writing for whatever reason, I'd just appreciate confirmation that they're doing OK.



16 Feet of Steel

I really prefered that work. He said that his parents were sick and then I don't know.

I hope that they are well.


I hear from Bailey.......

D. Eden's picture

Periodically on Facebook. I’m not a real fan of Facebook, so I am not on it except periodically - but Bailey posts there regularly. The last post I saw and we communicated over was last weekend.

Unfortunately, Bailey has not written anything in quite some time, which is a crime as I regard many of Bailey’s stories as being among my all time favorites.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Oh good!

Page of Wands's picture

Glad to hear they're doing OK! And, yeah, several of Bailey's stories are on my favorites list here, too!

I've been worried too

Amethyst's picture

Bailey was on my Facebook and we sometimes talked here in private messages. Bailey is an amazing author and a great person. Sadly, since I returned from my own absence I haven't been able to access my Facebook. I'm not so great with social media, but I should see if I can recover my login info.


Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3


I love her writing. If she works at a Hospital, with covid 19, she's got enough to do. Not pushing anymore.

Take care...

tmf's picture

Take care of yourself.
Sending Positive Energy, Love and Huggles.

Hugs and Love tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness


A MIA author is ok. That’s good to hear.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

*hugs Bailey*

Amethyst's picture

It is so good to see you posting a comment. I was really worried about you when I came back from my own absence. I'm glad that your health seems to be improving and that you're getting your life back together. I've been working on that too so I know how hard it is, though fortunately I didn't have to have a triple bi-pass. No need to push yourself too hard, just knowing that you're alive and doing better is enough for me. I can wait to see whatever you're working on. Seeing your name in the comments list made my night.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3


Page of Wands's picture

I'm glad to hear you're on the mend!