Page of Wands's blog

Bailey Summers?

Several of Bailey Summers' stories were mentioned in Angela Rasch's "Abandoned Stories" blog post, which reminded me to ask this. Has anyone heard from them lately? The last thing they posted was that they were sick at the end of January 2019, and then nothing since.

I tried messaging them back in March but never received a reply. Even if they're not able to continue writing for whatever reason, I'd just appreciate confirmation that they're doing OK.


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A relevant fundraising campaign

Hey everyone! has an Indiegogo campaign going for a new style of tucking panties. They're designed for all-day wear, unlike the thong gaffs that everywhere else sells. As a bonus, people who don't necessarily need them can instead donate pairs to Point of Pride, who donate binders and forms (and now these!) to low-income transgender individuals.

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North Carolina rams through anti-transgender law.

In an act of massive fuckery, North Carolina's legislature convened a special session today and rammed through a law overruling all local non-discrimination ordinances in the state, in order to block a new Charlotte ordinance slated to take effect in April which would allow trandgender individuals to use the correct bathrooms.


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I really hate my skin...

I shaved on Thursday for the first time in about a week, which is about how often I usually do it. I shaved again just now in anticipation of going out tonight, and for the love of monkeys, you'd think I used a cheese grater to do it. I even made sure to use a fresh blade, but nooooooo, let's have whole patches of little micro-nicks all around my Adam's apple and on my jawline. And this happens almost every time I shave more than once or twice a week. *sigh*


Magic: the Gathering's first trans character introduced

Wizards of the Coast introduced their first canon trans character ever with a story on their site today. And she kicks So. Much. Ass. Even if you're not a fan of Magic: the Gathering as a game or aren't familiar with its worlds, the story's a great read for anyone who enjoys heroic fantasy. Enjoy!

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US Justice Department to support Transgender discrimination claims in litigation

US Attorney General Eric Holder announced today that the Justice Department will now consider discrimination against transgender individuals to be considered sex discrimination. The full PDF of the announcement (only 2 pages) can be found here.


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Trans-focused suicide hotline

Several of my (cis) friends shared this article link around earlier today, and I thought I might bring it to the attention of you all. While I might wish that no one on this site would ever need such a thing, I know that's far from likely.

New Suicide Hotline Dedicated to Trans People Now Open for Calls


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My muse is a fickle thing...

I've basically been stalled on the writing projects I've been working on for a while. I kind of know where I want to take them, but sitting down and getting stuff written has been hard. But last night, on a whim, I was poking through Melanie Ezell's Ultimate Writer's Challenge, one of the challenges caught my eye, and now I'm over 2000 words in to a new story.

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