Interesting Harry Potter fanfic

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30 Chapters long over on is 'A life changing journey' posted there by deathy-cool
Harry gets kidnapped to a different school, yet appears as a female when arriving at the school. This school is in a different dimension with accelerated time flow. 1 year with no Harry at Hogwarts is long enough at the school that Harry is adult. This one takes place during the Prisoner of Azkeban year. Definitely an interesting read.


Well, after having read the

thliwent's picture

Well, after having read the whole thing, it's interesting, though in desperate need of editing. I'm guessing english was not the author's first language.

oh yeah

dawnfyre's picture

the editing really needs to be redone.

The premise of the story and the plotting are well done.
There could have been more action at the school, expanding the story easily into 6. One per year at the school and one for the new life after school.

it was the combination that earn the story an interesting read.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

Harry Potter fanfiction

If you like Potter fanfiction and other fanfiction, you should try

There are some good reads here. I especially liked "A Marauder's Plan and "Harry Potter in Neko's Mate". Some tg in the second one.


Is the story actually finished?

Since it does not have a complete notice on it, and has no activity for around 5 years I would really hate to start reading it only to find that the story leaves you hanging, waiting on an ending that will likely never happen.

I have read some of the author's completed stories and aside from the multitude of spelling errors found the actual stories enjoyable. I would say that if you are frustrated by grammar and spelling issues you will probably blow a fuse reading any of the ones I have read so far.