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is of course here to stay for a while and rather than make plans for my writing we'll just have to see how it pans out.

My biggest problem, having a job and other interests, is time. If the muse is with me it still takes 3-4 hours to write a single Gaby chapter plus any research time which translates to a lot of keyboard time! I managed 4 chapters between Tuesday and today but only wrote on three days due to other stuff so you see the issue. Some days I just need to kick back and veg!

Writing on book 14 is now complete up to ch34, with a following wind that might be finished next weekend. Then I have a Nena story half written and I know some people want to see more of Peaches and then there's the other stuff that exists in idea or opening chapter form that could do with some attention...... Like I said, no exact promises but I do expect to complete another Gaby tome during the year, that Nena story and who knows what else.

Today you get a new chapter here - its only 85 chapters behind what I'm currently scribbling!




You keep writin' em -

we'll keep readin' em. Thanks frauline, for the many months (nay - years even!) of pleasure.

