I'm sorry

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This is an apology for my latest story.

I'm sorry its so dark.

Its just that the stress of losing my wallet, the stress of watching my mom get a lung infection and be unable to take antibiotics for either it or the hole they dug in her head to get out the cancer because they make her sick, the stress of my friend Jaci having no money and no food in her house and me not being able to help, the stress of knowing I'm going to have postpone any chance at SRS for the foreseeable, the stress of my PTSD, my depression, and my gender issues ...

I'm a little over-stressed, to say the least.

So that's why the new piece is so dark.



Big Hugs

tmf's picture

Big Hugs and Huggles to you and yours
Sending good waves too.

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness
Huggles tmf

Nothing to be sorry for.

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

It is dark, but well written & worth the read.
But you don't need to apologize, dark stories have their place too.
It is good you put the warning though.

Hope you feel better.
*sends a burst of Pixie Dust & a Huggle*
~Hypatia >i< ..:::

No problem

Melanie Brown's picture

You needn't apologize for anything you write.
