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So I'm back again at home and there's much to do.

The trip over was fine and we had a reasonable time, but since returning I've struggled to do much at all.

I forgot my wallet, but that was manageable. It meant I didn't have cash for incidentals in England but the only real problems were that I had no backup credit card and no driver's licence for ID. The US currency was kept in separate wallets (split, in the hold luggage) and we had our passports if necessary.

The hotel was fine if basic. We were 50 yards from the NY Marathon route at about the 35-40 minute distance and spent most of the morning watching the runners go past. We then had lunch, went to see our grandchildren, and when we came back they were still going past!

Overall the trip was good and varied. We went to the Met one evening to see Aida, and I was amused to notice that every member of the cast wore a skirt! Oh - except the four ponies, of course. We were taken upstate to see the sculptures at someplace called the "Storm King" and we have done a museum or three. We got lost in Central Park - it is surprising, but once you are under the trees and lose sight of the edges it isn't difficult, if you are not familiar with it.

The girls are fine and growing well. Just beginning to move around on their own and can just about sit up for short periods. They have also discovered they have voices and can actually make noises when they want to! They also are beginning to develop distinct personalities which are very different from each other.

My big mistake was not taking enough trousers. Most of what went on them was regurgitated milk but after a while one doesn't notice the smell onesself. I wonder what the other subway users thought?

I didn't sleep much on the plane home and that has just snowballed through the week. I've more or less resynchronised but keep falling asleep during the day. The whole thing has been compounded by a severe cold, probably picked up on the flight back. Sunday I didn't get out of bed at all. I haven't really wanted to write again until now because I know I'd just turn out nonsense.

I took a tablet pre-loaded with the start of SEE #114 and a bluetooth keyboard, in case I had a chance to write. Turns out I did, only the tablet has saved any updates somewhere I can't find them so I'm having to restart almost from scratch. Oh, well. At least now I'm in a comfortable environment with a decent keyboard and screen so I can get back to doing what needs to be done.

So, there it is. There's still debris from the trip to be cleared away and the usual Real Lifew stuff to tackle but so far as Big Closet is concerned... I'm baaaack.



Coming home.

Welcome back babes. Nice to back in the rain and mist but at least perhaps a little warmer than NY.



Yes, it's miserable, isn't it? Over there it was mostly dry with mid temperatures, except for the odd shower of rain, and one night we had fog through Manhattan! Here it's just meh.

I'm just glad we're back now since they have snow in all 50 states and, although we took cold-weather options, I doubt we would have liked it that cold.


Thanks for the Update

Glad to hear you had what sounds like a more or less good time. I've flown with colds before and come down with some really awful colds shortly after flights. Neither are any fun at all. Take care of yourself.

Colds and that

I think it is supposed to be one of the hazards of modern air travel. You're stuffed in a tube with 400 other people and the air is recirculated somewhat, from my understanding. The law of averages says that at least one of them has to have something... let's just hope it isn't Ebola... or avian flu, perhaps.

Still, I can actually focus, now. I did write a little this morning. Now all I have to do is stop falling asleep...
