
A Comedy of Errors

Conventional step deck-unsplash.jpg A note from Rosemary: I have to admit, this only took me about 45 minutes to write. I was trying to think of something that I could write that I know quite a bit about. Naturally, the answer was trucking, but how to make it funny? This was the result.

A Comedy of Errors

A short story by Rosemary

August 2020

Doug North and his wife, Carol, were truckers. For many years, Doug had pulled flatbed all over the country, while Carol stayed home with the kids. Now that the kids were out of the house, Carol traveled with Doug.

On this particular day, they were in a backwater town, somewhere in the middle of northern Idaho, having just loaded up some treated fence posts. Doug was throwing a strap over the load when out on the two-lane highway, a car blew a tire.

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