found this video on "gay conversion therapy"

And the point is ?

It is horrible that there are people of think conversion works. I don't mind being slightly (1%) bi but I will not be stupid enough to fall into the hands of these ..... lower life forms ( and that is insulting the lower life forms .... come to think of it I would insult shite if I were to compare them with that too.

'nuff said.


I'm just wondering

Raff01's picture

If they could get proof, could they go after the church and the family for child abuse? That would shut them down, cause then if they got near kids, then they could go back to jail

Thank you,Dorothy,


'but I think that that is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard of and it is done
in the name of religion,the parents are the ones that should be taken out and shot.


Oh dear.

Extravagance's picture

After what Kimmie and Raff and Alison said, I'm not sure I even want to watch it... = (

- - -

I'm an honorary catgirl. =) I like fine seafood, and I love huggles and gentle scratches! ^_^

Catfolk Pride.PNG

it is only discussed.

Since it's an interview after the fact. They didn't bother to digitally render the acts either. But yeah, it's pretty terrible.

Abigail Drew.

I recall

Raff01's picture

I think it was Mancow in the morning, an AM DJ that is all over the USA. He went on his show to demonstrate waterboarding, acting like it was a total joke because of all the fuss people were giving it. After he had it done to him, he was terrified and I believe his quote sometime after that was something along the line of "I was ready to confess, just so they would stop."

If you're going to torture someone to make them see your point of view, yeah, after a while they will agree, but I think the people who do shit like this need to have it done to them, like Cops and tazers. To carry them, they got to get hit by them so they know what it does.

I fear the religious nutjobs

Finally watched the video (bandwidth issues)

This guy's parents need to take a good look at their Bibles -- starting with 1 Cor 13 (the Love Chapter.) Then, they need to ask themselves why they would reject their son when Jesus was willing to die for our sins -- ALL OF OUR SINS.

The term for them is HYPOCRITES.

Didn't God try to teach us about unconditional love? He never told us, "I'll love you if..."

I remember watching A Clockwork Orange. It was only a movie, right? Civilized people in first world countries don't really do things like that, do they?

They do? And in the name of God? I mean... some people do despicable things like flying airplanes into buildings.

Anyhow, they're going about it all wrong. If they want him to like women, they need to use something like a Venus 2000 to arouse him while showing him pictures of women, and turn it off when showing him pictures of men.

Not that that would work beyond perhaps giving him a fetish for women.