Avid_Reader's blog

Four Sites "Banned" from Network.

Hello Everyone,

This evening I was shocked to learn that this site was "Banned" from the "Network" Presumably that was Bellsouth.net, which is my ISP. The notice appeared on a page that had the logos of OPEN-DNS. It stated the blockage was due to Big Closet being classified as having nudity, pornography and sexually explicit material. If they are so open, why are they doing this?

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Access Blocked

Hello Everyone,
This morning I was shocked to learn that I was blocked from accessing this site, as well as Fictionmania, Crystal's Story Site and Sapphire's Place. The notice I was shown stated that bigclosetr.us was banned from this network because it had been classified as having nudity, pornography and sexually explicit material.
Excuse me, but I missed the announcement that the first amendment had been repealed!
Has anyone else experienced this? Is readership down because of it?

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Voting Box Question

Has anyone else noticed a change in the way the voting box operates. Until recently, if I had not yet logged in, the box would say "Login" (or "Voted" if I had previously done so). Clicking on "Login" never worked because it took me off to an error message page, but I could get to the login place and back to vote quite easily.

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