No Peace

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I am currently evaluating my situation and I think I've discovered what is wrong with my life.

I have no peace. I haven't had it in a very long time. I am angry at the world and angry at myself, making for a miserable existence. I can't seem to relax and just be. I stay in my home, waiting for the other shoe to drop and praying that life comes to an end. I can't go on this way. I have no happiness and I don't see happiness coming my way. I would commit myself to a mental institution but that would cost me the little that I have. I need a way to shed this demon that is slowly killing me, but I don't know how. Could it be a lack of sleep (4 hr clips suck) or the lack of a social life? Could it be my financial situation? When I was making good money a few years ago life wasn't much better, though at least i could buy shit. Could it be that life has smacked me around long enough that I subconsciously decided not to get up again. There has to be an answer but evidently I'm a bigger moron than I want to admit and can't figure it out. But, damn, life isn't suppose to be this hard.


Hold On to Life

Money always help bin there done that so I know that money is helpful.You are not a Morron because you see that there is a problem that is the first step. Yes you got a raw deal turning the page isn't easy when the past keeps visiting the future as your life seem to have happening more that most. I am not religious but maybe joying a church might help at least you could get a person to listen and guide you in some of your issues Just don't do anything to hurt yourself no matter how low you may feel.


All I can say

Is you are not alone. So much of what you say fits me as well, and there are likely others on here in the same situation. As for life being hard, well, I upset one Pollyanna awhile back who insisted that we all deserve to be princesses or some such. I told her that wasn't the way life works, and thats true for you, me, her, everybody. Life is a group calculation,and we are individuals. Stastically, if you flip a coin a hundred times you get fifty heads and fifty tails. Now some of those heads might want to be tails and vice-versa, but that isn't a factor in the calculation.

Now in saying all that, I did leave out one thing. You have friends. A lot of friends. A damn sight more than I have, for sure. There's one of the best reasons to keep on plugging away that I can think of.

Talk to your PCP, he or she can prescribe anti-depressants that can help. You only have to do one thing. Get off your butt and go.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

No Peace

Little Katie, I feel for you. I too have felt the same way. But I found that relaxing, talking to God and friends helped to alleviate my blahs and find Peace

May Your Light Forever Shine

hugs, sweetie

wish I had more to give, but all I got is hugs.


Life gets better

In 1996 my wife took my daughter and left me totally alone. I had a lot of suicidal ideations and wrote a letter to the newspaper telling them how I was going to commit suicide. I am a born again Christian and I was wavering between the insane and very little sanity.
I was alone I had been outed to friends and fellow church members. I was ostracized and shunned.
College was the only thing I could count on doing so I did it well.
I began to speak to God, my blind faith was guiding me to talking to the one who put me here. I didn't understand until 2000 that I had been born intersexed. Apparently my mom was not happy with me as I was a defective child according to her standards.
I have been guilty of judging people especially when I had no one to talk with.
I am a people person and really enjoying making others happy.
I was not accepting of myself and when I realized I was my own worst critic I decided to take care of me.
I waited until my daughter graduated from high school and then began transition. in 2006 I attended a NAMI Peer to Peer course and heard "There are no wrong answers" In the fall of that year I flew to San Antonio for a military re-union. I went as my true self and flying is not something I like. The gist of this was I had accepted myself and for the first time in my life I was hapy with who I am.
Life does get better as long as you give it a chance. Adler teaches us to change our future we have to look at our past, find out what defense mechanisms we used and then change the defense mechanisms so we begin having positive out comes.
I grew up as an abused child, called worthless my my mom and grand parents. I began to have some success and it bothered me so I took up drinking for 14 years and quit because I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I have combat related Post traumatic Stress Disorder and through my speaking to the police and becoming aware of my illness Ialong with meds I get through each day with out suicide ideation and without creating a major disturbance. If you wish to talk with me pm me and I'll send you my phone number. I will say that no matter how bad you feel talk to me, I've been there.

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.

Settle for outer peace

If you're having trouble finding inner peace, perhaps you'd do better to put yourself in a peaceful setting. Find a spot surrounded by nature, like a park or a forest and just listen to the wind and watch the birds and try to let it all flow into you.

No mental institutions

Do not ever commit yourself to a mental institution. The doctors do not listen, will mislabel you and the only way to get out is to lie your ass off and tell them what they want to hear. They will also charge you around 20k per week.

I had a terrible childhood and young adult life. Tried suicide a lot of times (pills, poison, hanging) living through it SUCKS!!!

What helped me big time or enabled me to just say "F it all" was smoking pot. I don't smoke anymore but that stabilized me and would take the edge off when i was getting close to suicide.

Also, steer away from alcohol as that can amplify the suicidal tendencies.

Hang in there


All I can talk is from the point of a transitioning person with various disorders. Life can be a baitch and things get on top of us. I won't tell you it will get better only you know that answer. Sometimes just taking a walk will be enough to set up some relief or breaking the routine. Though that can be hard as it sounds like the black dog has been biting your butt. Just remember now days we can if we need to reach out to someone and a friendly ear can help. If you need it hook up with me via here until you know what you feel here is a vbirtual hug and a teddy bear from me so you can hug the stuffing out of it


to hug is to be and to be is to be hugged

view the world through the eyes of a child and relearn the wonder and love

Allie elle loved and cared for and resident of the kids camp full time