Some things gotta be fresh.

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I was listening to DNR(Derek and Romaine) today and they were talking about this one place they were at during Columbus Pride. They spoke of it having great Ginger Ale, how it was made with fresh Ginger.
I had to call in and comment on how I can definitely feel that. I tried using powdered Ginger in this one recipe TWICE, the second time with more in it and I found it didn't cut it. I mean it just didn't have that snap you'd get with fresh Ginger. Maybe some of you will empathize, having used it before.
Some things just don't work as well fresh. I have to admit it's funny I notice the difference in Ginger considering I'm one of those people who have basically killed my taste buds eating spicy food.


It's true

Some things work better fresh. Other things work better dried or otherwise preserved. Some have different uses when fresh or preserved. Fresh ginger is a great thing, but be very careful if you try to bake with it (I wouldn't recommend it).



Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"


It took me a while, but I thought of something that isn't better fresh. I mean, just the beans. Once the drink is made that needs to be fresh, and the grounds or better just ground, but you have to dry the little guys before you roast them, right? And some teas are like that too (but are leafs, not beans.)

Peppers and some things like that are easier if dried, but not better, are they? I guess there are others, I just can't think of any.

Hugs, Jan

Wait!! WINE! Of course -- but not for long after the bottle is open, so maybe that doesn't count either.