Hormone & transistion without a psychatrist

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This isn't for many who drop in to read the better than excellent story telling by unbelievably great authors. It is also too late for others who already took that step of living their life as they felt driven toward. Yet, if we share knowledge and resources, all those who follow have an easier task of making life work for them. This is on the same concept if man had never invented the wheel. Pretty tough dragging every load where we wanted to go. But someone made life easier for everyone.

Discussing transgender issues with the doctors and was surprised the lack of knowledge the problems transgender face in getting the right hormones and blockers. What the outcome might or might not be and what emotions the trans might experience. I came away with one idea. If one is looking for help, shop around and ask. Those doctor visits can get exorbitantly expensive much less the meds. Not a good idea to try and educate a doctor on one's own dime.

How to Get on Transsexual Hormone Replacement Therapy Relatively Easy

Research and question. It is the rest of one's life when they take that step.



dawnfyre's picture

check if your medical coverage recognizes the wpath standards of care, if they do you only need to ask your GP for HRT to transition.
after a year of HRT and living as the 'correct' gender, you can get an assessment to obtain the letter for the surgery if it is covered.

so much easier than the abusive harry benjamin standards.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

Dubious about transition

If someone wants to live as the other gender, then in my opinion, you should avoid anything but a ms Psychology person, and NOT be on any sort of psych medication prior to transition. I was on Celexa, Welbutrin, and Trazodone in what was by today's standards very heavy dosage and two Doctors, one an Endocrinologist told me that those drugs made me very suggestible. And, I had a counselor who is a full on lesbian, so "motive and means".

My psychology is extremely twisted, and I was actually a full on sex addict, and felt so guilty I paid an Doc $1000 to get Castrated. That's when the psych person said I should live as a woman. If I'd had a brain in my head I would have gotten the castration and not transitioned.

Having said all that, my present life as a woman for 13 years, is much more pleasant than my old one but I lost everything in the process and for that reason, it was not worth it. The counselor wants to see you once a week for 2 years and that is around $6200. You don't need a counselor and becareful of those who want to prolong the process to feed on you.

Informed consent model

The place I get my hormones (Callen-Lorde, NYC, USA) uses the "informed consent" model. No psychiatrist or therapist letter needed.

Basically, the first appointment was for making sure I knew the possible outcomes and the benefits and risks (and for blood tests.)

The second one they prescribed me my first course of HRT.

They don't do SRS (they're a clinic), and the one place in my state that does it has the usual requirements for letters, etc.