

I hurriedly rummaged through the deep pockets of my beige coat before pulling out a set of unorganized keys, one of which was supposed to open the door to my apartment. I let out a big sigh as I carried the bags of groceries I had just bought inside before closing the door and slumping to the floor. Being a woman had made me significantly physically weaker than when I was a man, and performing everyday tasks took more energy. Like how every time I needed to use the tallest cabinets in the kitchen, I needed to grab a chair and climb on top of it.


There has always been a thought in the back of my mind ever since I was a kid and was what I would do if time stopped for a day. Let me explain. What I mean is what if everything around me froze in place while I continued going about my usual day? People would stop walking, cars would stand still at traffic lights, and leaves would float in mid-air, with no wind to give them any direction. This is exactly what happened to me when I woke up that Friday morning.

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