Return to Maddy's World

Lost in Thought, Part 3

“So what’s got you upset? Aside from just seeing her?”
“She’s gone back to Peters.”
“Changed her name, eh?”
“I don’t suppose that’s too big a surprise, although the timing does seem a bit sudden. Is that what’s bugging you?”
“Yes, at least partially. I had built up in my mind that there was a chance we could make some progress toward reconciliation, but once I found out about the whole name business, I said I couldn’t stay and left.”
“I think I can understand that. And if she’s thinking clearly, I’d bet she can as well.”
“That’s the thing, I’m not sure what she’s thinking. And the other thing that’s bothering me, is she isn’t looking well.”
“Now that could be your imagination. Your subconscious looking for something that isn’t there. And even if what you’re saying is true, maybe it’s just the flu or something. As much as she’s been traveling, it’s bound to have worn down her resistance quite a bit.”
“Listen Dave, you hang in there. If anyone can make their way through this, it’s you. Just give it time. Everything will work out.”



Lost in Thought, Part 3

By Jillian

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