Inspiration for The Wedding Night...

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Inspiration for The Wedding Night


Andrej Pejic and Elliot Sailors



Extravagance's picture

I've heard of Andrej Pejic before, but Elliot Sailor is new to me.

Catfolk Pride.PNG

Elliot Sailors..

Andrea Lena's picture

...(sorry about the spelling) Elliot Sailors is a long-time female model who is playing on a new androgynous look to get gigs as a 'male' model.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Isn't she gay?

Angharad's picture

Not sure about him, so could be they'd have nothing in common.


Nope. She has a husband.

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

Nope. She has a husband. There is a quote from an Elle interview that was quite revealing as to her motivation:

What was your husband's reaction to you wanting to get into menswear modeling?
When I first was explaining it he was like, "Wait, what?" Since then, I've also learned a little bit better how to describe it. I don't plan on becoming a male model. I want to be a menswear model. I'm still a female and am planning to stay that way. There wasn't anything either of us saw that would alter our relationship. This plaid shirt that I'm wearing, I owned before I even ever cut my hair. What neither of us did expect, though, is how differently people act towards him. Sometimes people just see us as a gay couple, which doesn't bother us, except when people are unkind about it. It's not so much that it bothers us on our behalf, but on behalf of people that have to deal with that all of the time. Even when people do know that I'm a woman, they think that if he's with a woman like me, then he must be gay and hiding it. People have all these wild opinions.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."