The Big C

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I have published just a very short piece of whimsy today, from some of my older material which really ought to be up here as BC is my true home.

I have to confess that I have written nothing for a few weeks. I received the results of some tests last month and last week I was rushed into hospital for the removal of a large chunk of me. I am slowly recovering from that.

Erin is doing her best to cajole me into writing something, but I think creativity is a state of mind. Some need pain to do their best work, but I suspect that most of my readers will not be surprised to hear me say that I need the very opposite.

Please be patient and I will climb back on the quill in time.




D. Eden's picture

I was diagnosed with melanoma early in 2021. I had a mole removed on the upper right of my back, and it tested out as stage 3B melanoma. I had surgery in April to remove two lymph nodes in my neck and a nice chunk out of my back where the mole was, leaving me with a small scar on the right side of my neck and a much larger one up the right side of my back, just above the scapula. I have been on immunotherapy since then, and have some six months of treatments left to go. I have had two clear PET scans since my surgery, as well as having to undergo an MRI of my brain - which my oncological surgeon tells me shows my brain is normal, a state which I asked her to put in writing. You never know when something like that might come in handy, lol.

Anyway, my point is that I know how you feel.

The scar on my neck is barely visible, and the one on my back is much less prominent than it was just six months ago. I am seeing a dermatologist every three months for a full body scan, seeing my oncologist regularly, and having regular PET scans.

The important thing is to stay positive, and to make the commitment that you are going to do whatever you have to in order to get better and live a full, healthy life.

I plan on living a long time. How about you? How about if we make a deal…….. 5 years from today I will treat you to dinner and nice bottle of wine. Are you up for it?

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Don't rush yourself

SammyC's picture

Your health and well-being is paramount. Resume writing when you feel ready to. We'll be waiting patiently to read when you do.



Writing can focus the mind

onto things other than the Cancer.
At least it worked for me in 2009 after my dice with Leukaemia.
I could simply not concentrate on anything for more than a few minutes at a time. I nearly set the house on fire because I forgot about something that I had in the oven.

Take your time and if your muse is struggling do not worry about it. It you write total gibberish then so be it. That won't last forever and before you know it, you will be back to your normal self, or as close to it as you are going to get. Cancer changes you in ways that a broken bone does not.
Stick with it girl and have a hug from me.

Rest, good nutrition, laughter

0.25tspgirl's picture

Over tired stresses your immune system. Poor nutrition - either not enough calories or nutrients - impaires your immune system. Laughter - as per the Gehunsite institute - strengthens everything.

(Please pardon my misspelling.)

That’s the best advice I know to give you. Take care as best you can.

BAK 0.25tspgirl

Getting Yourself Write

To write the highly enjoyable pieces you turn out requires a great deal of discipline and awareness.

Many believe cancer can be beaten through diet, exercise and detoxification. All that requires the ability and desire to self regimen.

From the outside looking in it doesn't appear to be a case of either/or.

I just be yourself and your body and writing will flow toward where you want to be.

Good luck!


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)