Comes in Threes

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Selected for jury duty. I was laughing as I read I had been summoned for jury duty and when I had to report to the court house. Called the court clerk and explained my circumstances and told her I would be more than pleased to attend. Although I believe I have an excellent sense of fashion I would be bringing the past X number of years of medical files in my briefcase. I'm sure the judge and lawyers wouldn't be pleased.

I think she dismissed me on the spot? Not sure as she informed me to not come unless notified again. What? I'm a plague carrier or something? What better opportunity to lead and give a better understanding all the way around than in a court house? Well, okay maybe the Oklahoma senate, house, and Gov office.

While I'm still giggling about the whole affair I tried to bounce onto BCTS to scan for stories and BCTS carded me. Say What! Received one of those lockouts everyone has mentioned. Prove who you are and we'll let you in. Hey, you guys aren't funny, let me in. Held me out for about thirty seconds while it checked my ISP address and all. Cool, I like it. Keeps the scammers out. Speaking of which.

Two days ago I received an email informing my computer and all my data had been compromised. All my financial data along with all the pictures and porno on my computer had been downloaded offsite. To retrieve it I was to send him fifteen thousand at address in electronic transfer or all my computer would be shut down and all my data shared across the net. Including sending my porno pics to the gov.

Yer yanking my chain? Someone who is trying extortion is going to send my porn to the gov? Believe it or not I was laughing too hard to do anything for several minutes. Thinking about contacting him and telling him to send back the porno pics since I never had a chance to look at them. And would he please send all my financial data back since I had a computer crash a few months back and lost everything. Going to ask for more data to be returned but finally got my humor under control and sent it all to the FBI for cyber crime as blackmail and or extortion.

As funny as everything has been I do hope these three are the last of the bunch for awhile.
Hugs People
Life is a gift, treasure it until it's time to return it.


Chain Email


I got an email last week asking me for the names and URL addresses of three "friends" who might want to receive free porn.

I thought of you immediately.

Maybe I shouldn't have given them your personal data, but it did sound okay.

The jury duty thing is on you. That's what happens when you vote and present everything they need to recent that horrid voting fraud.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


Andrea Lena's picture

The phone version of the Faberge Organic Shampoo Commercial from Hell...

"We'll scam three friends...then YOU'LL scam three friends... and so on and so on and so on...

I keep getting calls explaining that there's a problem with hackers and that my Social Security is in jeopardy. Well, at least it will be if I keep on the line...

I know I'm early, but....

"What's green and stays out all night in the rain?"


Paddy O'Furniture!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Got one better

BarbieLee's picture

Green dog. She's a Great Pyrenees and was all white. Testing out new sprayer so I added water and dye to check the spray pattern and make sure all the nozzles are working. I'm on the tractor and kick the sprayer on. Lady thinks it's play time and walks under the sprayer. My all white dog turned instantly green. I don't think anyone would be brave enough to try and steal her. She's not full grown and already stands close to forty inches at the shoulder. But now she's green. Who wants to steal a green dog?
Hugs Andrea Lena
When we get where we think we know it all, we find out we know nothing.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


A new mascot for the Packers perhaps?



BarbieLee's picture

ROFLMAO..., OMG Angela that is so hilarious I about fell out of my chair. Hugs love, you owe me big time. I'm thinking you can take care of the goats and the rest of the farm while I take a needed vacation. OR..., I saw you wearing something similar to something like this only yours was a Royal Blue. I wanna borrow if I can get invited to the governor's ball.
Hugs Jill
Life is meant to be lived not worn until it's worn out.
PS: He didn't by chance send you my porno pics did he? No not the ones of me in the garden in a mini and bikini top. Not the ones of me with my head stuck under the hood and..., I know some of those pics have been called porn but give me a break.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Don't tell me what to do...

Andrea Lena's picture

I'd rather not, it's true. Being tied isn't what to do.... People will say you're a Domme...


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Oh No. . ..

Now I've got that song running through my head,

What do they call that?

You know - - - like when you have some sort of crazy worm in your ear?


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Comes in Twos

Daphne Xu's picture

At least the episodes that come to mind right now. I guess that five summers ago, I had only two feet to trip and twist a month apart. And when I was five years old, I only had two thumbs to staple a week apart.

-- Daphne Xu

You had thumbs!?

erin's picture

Lah-di-dah! When I was a small child, we had to staple our big toes!


Working on a farm, I actually did get a staple, the kind you fasten barbed wire to a fence post with, through my foot when I was about eleven. :) It didn't hurt until they took it out. :D

- Erin

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Yes, thank you.

Daphne Xu's picture

Not only I, but everyone I knew had thumbs when I was five.

I'm trying to look back on that pair of episodes without the Looney Tunes filter. I'm wincing at your history now.

-- Daphne Xu

Conversation went over my head

BarbieLee's picture

There are some people who lose me in their conversations. Not mentioning names but..., I have looked at the last several posts many times now and wonder if aliens have been planted among us? Daphne as her name is so appropriate, must be blonde. Erin is an Arkansas native. Need more be said about either of these young ladies?
Hugs girls
Life is a mystery. We might figure it out after we return it to the provider.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


Daphne Xu's picture

Do Oklahoma and Arkansas have some kind of rivalry between them?

-- Daphne Xu