formatting issues

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I'm having some issues with the revised version of "The Saga of E-Girl". A paragraph will start out fine, and suddenly break and put the rest on the next line, even after I had backspaced it into the proper position. Suggestions?


No knowing

erin's picture

I can't offer suggestions since I don't know what you are doing the editing in.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Don't do that

erin's picture

Don't do more than a line or two of edits on site. The software is not designed for that. It can reload a page in the middle of what you are doing and mess up your story. This is not Google Docs, we don't have the money for that kind of programming. Copy your story out and paste it into an editing program, and work there. Then copy and paste back into the site.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

All too true...

Daphne Xu's picture

Dorothy: "... suddenly break and put the rest on the next line, even after I had backspaced it into the proper position."

Erin: "It can reload a page in the middle of what you are doing and mess up your story."

That sounds exactly like what happened.

-- Daphne Xu

And... don't forget the odd network glitch

and you have lost all your edits.
Someone with a JCB/Backhoe can take down whole towns with one movement of their machine.

This is also why I will never do as the likes of Microsoft/Google want and move everything to the cloud. Clouds are not permanent. They [redacted] all over you and they are gone.

Work on your story on your own device and as Erin says, cut/paste it into the edit box. Far safer.



Maddy Bell's picture

when even that gets zapped by a glitch as I've had a seemingly increasing number of times lately so I've taken to pasting in the text, adding necessary formatting, copying the lot to an offline file then try to upload to the site - double indemnity if you like. Clouds might look pretty but you have no control over where the contents will fall or evaporate to, the only halfway secure data storage is to engrave it in stone!


Madeline Anafrid Bell