I thought this was rather amusing.......

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My son sent this to me this evening. I was hesitant to post this, but as it made me smile and even laugh a little on a really bad day I thought I would share it with others.

To those who might not agree with the political sentiment, I hope that you can at least see the humor in it.



A postage stamp.......

D. Eden's picture

Back when we all used snail-mail, you would buy them from the postal service. They would then be placed on a letter in order to pay for it to be physically sent from one point to another.

Wow! Makes you feel old huh?

The cute thing is that the class of postage is listed on the stamp as "NO CLASS".

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

To Laugh

Daphne Xu's picture

It's nice to laugh after you've had a bad day.

-- Daphne Xu

I saw the same thing except

I saw the same thing except it was a Hillary stamp. Judging from the spitting on the stamp it probably goes way back.


D. Eden's picture

Seeing as how you don't have to lick them anymore you are probably right.

But with the ego of the current holder of the office it is very appropriate.

I mean seriously, I'm a Republican and I can't stand it!


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus


Frank's picture

You were supposed to spit on stamps? I always licked them.



The Main Thing Is

joannebarbarella's picture

It made you laugh! Which means you're no longer in the state of depression which you were a couple of days ago. That is great!

As for the stamp.....nuff said!