Asking for help on a story

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This is a first for me in two ways, first time I've written a blog here on BC/TS, and first time EVER that I've asked for help on a story anywhere.

I was sleeping well enough about an hour ago when I had a dream, it showed images that made me cringe, but for all of that, I just couldn't get them out of my head. I woke up a few minutes later and those images were still centre stage in my mind. It's been an hour now, but I'm still thinking about those few brief images, and how I could use them as the basis of a chilling, yet realistic modern forced femme story.

The main problem that I am having is that, from what I saw in my mind, the story itself needs to be set in the UK, somewhere not too distant from London, but far enough away that having a large house some distance from any others would not be an issue.

Because of this, and also because I intend this story to take place over the last three years, starting just after New Years' Day, 2014, I need help from people who live in the UK, are familiar with the areas surrounding London for about 100 miles in all directions, preferably but not absolutely to the north to London, and are also fairly knowledgeable about events in the UK over the last three years.

I know that many people who read stories here prefer to avoid anything to do with forced femme, but when you're coming from the writer's side of things, when your mind comes up with an idea that you just can't ignore, you HAVE to eventually write it out of your system. I'm hoping that people can look past the forced femme concept and just enjoy the story as I lay it out here bit by bit.

As I said already, I need help from one or more people in the UK, the story will be mine but I am happy to work with others to improve it.

The story itself will have the title "No Place To Call Home".


I live 25 miles NW of London

Tanya Allan's picture

... in a rual area with BIG houses, and know the region really well


There's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes!

Thanks for your reply, Tanya

Knowing the area is a big help, but as I said earlier, that's only part of my problem.

I need someone or even some people who have a good memory of UK news during the time period of the story. This is because, as part of writing the story once it gets going, I will be posting snippets of what will look like news stories, but be pertinent to the story itself, not based on reality, and having fairly accurate bits of authentic news pieces here and there in the story will add a sense of realism to it.

Just thought of something, the real news bits don't absolutely have to be UK specific news, just news UK people would have heard.

I hope you don't take offence

I hope you don't take offence at this suggestion, because none is intended. What you are asking for is what many authors would call "research", and it can be an interesting and enjoyable part of the process. Many newspapers are available on line for the time period you suggest, so why not dig in?


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

just remember

Maddy Bell's picture

The scale of the UK is not Texas! Most decent sized towns are maybe 10 miles from the next except in the most rural of areas. Good luck!


Madeline Anafrid Bell