Help with editing

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Anyone out there that does editing/proof reading up for a challenge? I could use someone to look over my latest and save the English language grammar rules from me. Anyone interested please leave me a message.
Thanks in advance

The First Rule

You need to have something to say.

Your story says PLENTY.

Don't worry about grammar and structure at this point.

Just write.

Jane Austen used double negatives and unresolved pronouns and she's doing okay.

When you have a few thousand words down, say 15,000, take on an editor.

Your story is readable.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Yes it is.

Readable and pretty interesting to boot. Don't get discouraged here. The first ones are always the hardest.


Last time I heard ...

... dear Jane wasn't doing all that well and I'm not expecting any more new novels from her :) I have to make do with what she's already written but they are both funny and good despite her using a quite primitive wordprocessor with a rubbish spellcheck.

You're right about everything else, though and I speak as one who's just finished proofing an 800 page saga. I just know I've missed about 100 errors but I have no idea where they might be.
