Bad codes for Kindle/etc posts.

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I think I've figured out why I've been so bothered about the constant posts for things 'for sale'.

It's not actually that they're being posted for sale. It's that they aren't actually using the codes that are _supposed_ to be there on the front page. I've found myself, more than once, thinking that it's an update, and finding out it's another "HEY, DOPPLER" or "KINDLE BOOK". - but it says 'SOLO' or 'Day Of The Week' instead.

At the top of the page -

Codes: Solo=Standalone story, not series, verse, drabble or fanfic; Source codes: HB=Hatbox; DP=Doppler Press; KS=Kindle Store; AB=Amazon Book; LL=Lulu; SW=SmashWords; SD=Stardust; SS=StorySite; SP=Sapphire's Place; FM=FictionMania. Default is day of week.

So, is there a reason why nobody is using the DP, KS, AB, etc codes? Are they broken for the authors (or mods) posting up the notifications?




erin's picture

It's a system I set up but never fully implemented. I'll try to get it working correctly over the next couple of weeks.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Okay - so I'm frustrated

Okay - so I'm frustrated about a system that was intended to go live, but because of Real Life and reasons, never actually finished. I can certainly understand that one.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


Maddy Bell's picture

Authors do serial posts of this type (no names, you know who you are) which has the effect of bumping actual new story posts down the page. Not even sure why they keep doing it, it's not the right place really and it gets very frustrating.


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Maybe the best way to handle

Maybe the best way to handle this sort of thing is to dedicate a small 'ad' space to rotate through cover pictures of Books For Sale? With each one being a link to the appropriate site with the relevant 'finders fee' tag? (Much like the Doppler Press at Amazon at the bottom, but only one book at a time. It'd only take up about the space of one 'blog' entry)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


erin's picture

See thread above about tags for books.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Eh, the major difference is

Eh, the major difference is whether the _story_ post includes a story, or simply a link to where to go buy a story. The ones that i keep banging into are the ones that are _just_ a link, and my complaint was simply that it wasn't marked as such, when the markings were supposedly available - not a complaint about the practice itself.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Most of those are by me

erin's picture

Most of those book promotions are by me and they are usually not more than 3 of them on the front page at one time.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.