New Book out - The Torc

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I have just published my forty-second book on Amazon Kindle - THE TORC

He found it in a box of junk in his uncle's attic.

Kenneth was a young man who earnestly wished that he wasn’t. One day, while staying with his aunt, he came across an item that his uncle had found just after the Second World War. In a box with an old bayonet, a soldier's helmet and some lead soldiers, he believed to be a part from a downed German aircraft from the Battle of Britain. This hoop of metal appeared nothing special. Idly, he played with it, and as it opened, he slipped it around his neck.
Inexplicably and rapidly, Kenneth transformed into the person he had always dreamed he could have been. This metal torc was obviously not a part from an old war plane; but he did not know the torc’s true origins. Had he done so, he might not have treated in such a casual manner.
Many millennia previously and desperately seeking somewhere to live after the death of their sun, a group of inter-stellar explorers discovered what everyone thought was a perfect planet. The atmosphere was as close to their home planet as they could want. The climate was ideal; neither too hot, nor too cold. The microbiology posed no apparent threats, and the soil chemistry PH was friendly and fertile; well capable of sustaining the crops they wanted to bring with them.
The only fly in the ointment, so to speak, was the most advanced of the indigenous life-forms. Nick-named ‘The Brutes’, these were the most aggressive and nasty life-form they had ever encountered. Wholly different and about as incompatible with the explorers as one could ever be, the Brutes displayed an innate ability to learn rapidly and develop new ways to channel their aggression. With limit resources the ship’s scientific officer developed an ingenious means by which they could camouflage themselves by posing as the Brutes themselves.
Micro-technology, crammed into what would appear to be a piece of plain decoration or jewellery, enabled the wearer to adjust their outward appearance to that of the Brutes. But matching the DNA of the wearer to the DNA of the target life-form, the wearer could take on the form of the Brute without them suspecting a thing. Including an enhanced translation program, an anti-gravity device and a force- field projector, the device was both camouflage and protection.
The Brutes are divided into two genders, so I have made one for each. They must never fall into the hands of the Brutes, for they would give them too much power,” instructed the Science Officer.
The best laid plans of mice, men and strange inter-galactic races often go awry.
It was many, many years later that Kenneth found the torc. Would he ever be able to discover the secrets held within it, and which one did he find?

I hope that those who read it, enjoy it. Unlike the first to review it who obviously doesn't know me, my work, or read the spiel.



The Brutes

Yep describes most of us to a T. I think the true fantasy in Star Trek is not the Warpie-whatits or the magi-beams but that human beings can ever peacefully coexist, especially if we let arbitrary religious doctrine rule our lives.

At least ...

... your reviewer was polite and respected the writing even though he eventually realised the subject matter wasn't to his taste, which is fair enough. Great that you've placed it in the Amazon 'Unlimited' library. I'll definitely give it a go.


Just bought it.

Thank you. I am looking forward to reading it.


Sounds like fun

So the reader will get their foot-pounds or meter-newtons of excitement out of it?

I'm not into Euro-speak....

Tanya Allan's picture

.. so I tend to be foot/pounds. However, I also can use metres and litres on occasion, just to show how erudite and International I can be when I try. (Please note Euro-spelling . I noted that my fuel tank on my boat (Canadian boat, US engine and controls) is in LITERS... whatever they are!) I went to the local kitchen supply store the other day to get a replacement kitchen unit. I had all the measurements in inches and was told, "Oh, what's that in proper measurements?" I was tempted to walk out, but felt it my duty to educate them. I don't think it worked, as he had a glazed expression when I left.
You can't please some people, can you?

There's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes!


Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Sounds like my kind of story, SciFi, Mystery, Gender Swap, Coming of Age, Action/Adventure!

Can't wait to read it!
I see it is labeled "book 1" How many are planned, a trilogy, more?

*sends a burst of pixie dust to inspire your muse*
~Hypatia >i< ..:::

Good question

Tanya Allan's picture

I have quite accidentally tied this into the Amber books, and There is no such thing as a Superhero... I'd like to think there is mileage for at least one, if not two more books in this series with these characters. I have started Book 2, and we shall have to see where my muse takes us all. Actually, I have not so much started book 2, but had to cut book one as it was going on and on. I had to choose a decent place to stop, and it seemed to be here.

There's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes!

Good question

Tanya Allan's picture

I have quite accidentally tied this into the Amber books, and There is no such thing as a Superhero... I'd like to think there is mileage for at least one, if not two more books in this series with these characters. I have started Book 2, and we shall have to see where my muse takes us all. Actually, I have not so much started book 2, but had to cut book one as it was going on and on. I had to choose a decent place to stop, and it seemed to be here.

There's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes!