Unexpected Engagement - Author's Notes

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Even though this story has been gestating for two and a half years, it was still an incredible rush at the end to finish in decent time for Christmas. I had originally planned to publish for December 2008, so I started in the summer of 2008, giving me, (I thought) plenty of time to complete. I got the vast majority of the story completed as you read it now, but with a few elements missing. When I read the whole story, it seemed flat, with Helen taking a part at the end which was totally out of character. It didn't make it Christmas 2008.

I got it out last year in preparation for Christmas 2009, tinkered a little with it and came to the same conclusion.

This year, I was determined to publish. I tinkered some more, and whilst it was still far from satisfactory, I decided to publish as it was. That's when the inspiration hit, and I replaced Helen's role at the end by Richard, who until then had been completely passive, with a wife and kids also present. He became a shyster solicitor who would deal with the probate. From there, it was a simple step to his more active involvement during the story.

With time ticking away, it was all thrown together and then published. It's still rough around the edges, but it's far better than it was. The fact that you are reading these notes hopefully means you enjoyed it.

Best wishes to you all
