Anyone Else Having Problems With FictionMania?

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I just responded to a couple of posts on the FM site. The replies are there if you click on the original posts, but they don't appear on the main hyperboard page.

I posted a new message. That didn't appear either. Hmm...

What's happening is that the main page keeps telling me I'm NOT signed in, and there's nothing I can do to change that. But if I try to post a new message or reply to one, it tells me I AM signed in.

I tried e-mailing the task force, but it won't let me do that either.

Is it just me?


Apprently so....

Daniela Wolfe's picture

Apprently so... All your posts are showing up fine for me...

I would suggest clearing your browser cache & cookies, closing your browser and trying fm again.

Have delightfully devious day,

It Worked!

It bloody worked!

I owe you one, D.A.W.

Ban nothing. Question everything.


Daniela Wolfe's picture

Naw, it's all good. I'm just glad it's working for you now. :D

Have delightfully devious day,

Have you tried posting a

story? Maybe you need to speak to the FM task Force.

May Your Light Forever Shine