Cost of HRT

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Does anyone know the cost of HRT.


Cost of HRT


This can vary between country and country. Which country are you? Are you just reffering to oestrogen or anti-androgens as well? Also, is this through a prescribed source or from other places?

I'm in the UK and initially my purchases were on a private prescription and sourced through my local chemist. Oestrogen/Progesterone tablets were about 10 UKP for 3 months supply and about 30 UKP for the anti-angrogen, again for 3 months supply. That was about 6-7 years ago. My prescriptions are now NHS ones - the oestrogen is free(because it is also an oral contraceptive) and a fixed NHS prescription price for the anti-androgen


wrong blog for a health care

wrong blog for a health care debate? :)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

It Depends

jengrl's picture

When I first started, my Endocrinologist put me on Estridiol Valerate injection in alternating hips every two weeks, 100MG of Spironolactone. twice a day and 10MG of Progesterone Mon, Wed, Fri of each week. The vial of Estridiol would last 5 months and I got it for $102 per vial,my Spironalactone was $10 a month copay on Insurance ($75 a month without) and $4 a month for Progesterone. I switched to the Estradermal patch about a year ago. It runs me $108 for 3 months.


Cost of HRT

As karen_page points out, it depends mostly on where you live. nikkiparksy has given you a link to inhousepharmacy, which has a good reputation amongst ts women who are denied access to hrt either by uncooperative doctors, or not being able to afford to see one to get a prescription, and so take charge of doing it themselves. But its prices do tend to be lower than what you'd pay for similar prescription meds at US pharmacies.

Personally, I live in Washington state, which has a prescription drug discount program open to all residents, even if you don't have insurance. On occasion the discounted prices have turned out to be lower than the prescription co-pay on my insurance, so it pays to sign up for it even if you're insured. When I wasn't insured, on that plan I paid about $12/month for oral estradiol and about $25/month for spironolactone (androgen blocker). Prometrium (oral progesterone) is considerably more, but I don't remember what I paid for it before I got insurance.

Hope this helps! If you have any questions feel free to PM me!

Erin M. (justme)