Back in the New York Groove

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My doctor confirmed a diagnosis of Essential (Familial) Tremors, where motor skills for hands are affected by shaking. My symptoms also include vertigo and a slight tremor in my speech; all the symtoms are exacerbated and increase with stress. The condition is permanent but will not get worse; it has plateaued.

My diagnosis also includes a psychogenic tremor disorder secondary to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; which means the disorder is temporary and should abate and finally disappear as my recovery from the abuse continues to improve. The symptoms include broad shoulder shrugs and head jerks, which also worsen with stress.

The absolutely fabulous news is that that's all folks, no non-verbal Tourette's Syndrome, no Parkinson's. While I am relieved, it still is a challenge, since as I said, the hand and arm tremors are not going away. I should be a Medical Doctor because I have lost enough fine motor skills that my signature is unreadable. Interesting, but I can block print as good as ever since it's apparently controlled by another part of the brain. And the vertigo is a royal pain in the posterior because I get dizzy quite often, partially because of the anti-convulsive medication and partly because of the ET. I bump into things and lose my balance if I'm not careful, but it's not debilitating by any means.

The uncomfortable part of it all is that he reminded me that recovery from PTSD is a process (I knew that) and that I might continue to experience symptoms such as flashbacks or memories or nightmares (likely). In addition, the continued broad gestures indicate my mind trying to cope with something too difficult to handle so the area of the brain that affects my memory also affects my arms, hands, and shoulders in an "involuntary" manner. Really exhausting, but as more and more is revealed as my brain is able to handle the release, the symptoms, as I said, will diminish.

I'm also suffering from "Waiting-for-the-other-shoe-to-dropitis." My symptoms worsened recently at the revelation of my sister's therapist that my father had molested her as well. The natural if misinformed inclination is to suspect that he might have hurt me, as my doctor said; "what if" is a big issue. But I have no memory or any underlying sensation as when my flashbacks began last year. The doctor cautioned me thankfully that all the stress of my physical illness and the continued other stresses might be the only thing left, but it's really a wait and see. And like I said yesterday, I have to avoid the twins - not trying to remember and trying not to remember, since the memories will arise no matter what.

I hate to continue to make an issue of this, but this site and several of the folks here in specific have been paramount in my recovery. My therapist is on medical leave due to a significant headache disorder, and I haven't gotten a referral yet. In addition, my brothers have retreated from their support; my older brother due to health issues and my younger brother due to an inability to relate to my problem due his own issues. So apart from my wife and son, I have no one face-to-face to support me.

I am convinced because of the severity of the issues I have faced over the last year, I would not have survived without the help of the folks on this site; from Erin and the folks who toil here so that I have been able to work out my healing through my writing; to my friends and adopted family. It has been a supreme blessing to come to know everyone as much as I have, and I hope I have been a blessing to you all as well. I thank God from the bottom of my heart for you all. With much love, Andrea


Amazing so may ways.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


I'm hitching a ride with Angie so that you might read something good before you stumble upon that lump of dog crap in the road! In spite of your challenges, you have been nothing short of inspirational both in your writings and your comments, to so many folks here that it's sometimes hard to imagine you having your own demons. Me, I can't wait for the next Drea piece. I never know what to expect other than I'm going to feel much better after I read your work. May you be with us forever.

Mea the Magnificent,

BTW...I'm over joyed to hear that you do not suffer from the greater of the evils!!!!!!!!

Hey, hold that door!

Thanks, Mea! I want a ride on this bus too!

Andrea, in the short time I've been here, you continue to be an inspiration to me. I sure I'm like many others here, you have been such a help to us. Your stories are full of genuine human emotion.

There is much I would like to say, but I am a loss for words. You are a truly special person, and I am better for having known you.

As hard as your challenges may be, rejoice that they don't indicate other, more serious things. I understand fully about "other-shoe-dropitis", we've had some of that in my own family.

Carla Ann

I too will hop on this

KristineRead's picture

I too will hop on this Bus...

Drea, my dear friend and partner in comedy, you have dealt with so much in your life, and are continuing to come to terms with all of that. As you say it is a process, and you WILL find your way through.

I know that you have found comfort and strength from this site, but be aware that you give as much as you take from all of us. You have in a short time become an integral part of this community, and one that I dearly cherish.

Hugs to you, my friend. Hugs to your family (even if they are silent hugs) and much hopes and wishes for the light to guide you to a place where you will feel free at last of your past, ready to face new and hopefully more rewarding challenges of your future.


Back in the New York Groove

Andrea, if you were on the series "SURVIVORS", you'd most definitely WIN!

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Con Amore mi Dulce Sorella

Mia sorella bellissima. Grazie mille per le vostre parole. Ma ricordate sempre, avete dato dieci volte la quantità di amore che avete ricevuto.

Graziosa maggio il nostro Dio continuerà a curare voi e vi benedico. Vi prego a trovare una pace e un amore che è grande come l'amore che mi hai dato.

Con amore,


Okay, just this once you get it in Italian. :)
Love you, thank you for sharing...