Beastly Thoughts -7- Or Gesundheit!

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It will probably happen before the movie comes out. :)

Beastly Thoughts -7- Or Gesundheit!

If you don't get it, hold your nose and read it aloud. :)

- Joyce


He's got a Code in his Node


Erin how could ah ah ah ah ah chooo ... excuse me, you?

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Hode your Node

erin's picture

Heh. This is actually the first new Beastly Thought, all the others so far were originally drawn back in 1991.

Personally, I can't read Dan Brown. I've actually been a spook and worked with the codebreakers and he got too many details wrong in the first few pages of the one book of his I tried to read. He did describe the building correctly.

BTW, never met a codebreaker who wasn't a punster. :)

- Joyce

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.