The End of the Game, or, It Went Down in Flames

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So, my weekly Exalted trpg game is having to end

(indefinite hiatus), as the person actually running the game no longer has a regular schedule at his job, and a lot of the others have been showing signs of reduced interest for the past few months due to personal issues and job pressures (admittedly, the last month where one of the long-time stalwarts was busy between conventions and other gaming commitments didn't help).

The point is, though, that I'm about to find myself without a regular game to write for. Is there anyone out there who'd be interested in trying a play-by-post or play-by-email game? If so, what game, what time do you have available, etc. I'm more interested in finding out if there's enough interest here to sustain something like that, though if someone happens to toss a really cool idea out that grabs my interest, I might try to run with it. (With respect and permission, of course.)



Depending on the game

I'd be interested. I've got books for DnD 2, 3, a handful of 3.5, and 4. My roomie has also been endoctrinating me into the glory that is the WoD and Storyteller system games, so I've got access to the old Mind's Eye Theatre books for Vampire, Werewolf, and Changeling, as well as Aberrant and Trinity/Aeon. I've also got the book for the Wheel of Time RPG on my PC, and I'm willing to learn any system, not to mention the two game systems I'm working on myself, including a d10 based system for a Whateley game :P

So if you can find a few people and work up a good time table, I'd be willing to try it out. I'm not gonna promise I'd be able to stick with it, especially if it interferes with my sleep schedule for work (I'm graveyard shift,) but I'd give it a shot.

Melanie E.

Can be interested

tmf's picture

Depending on the game and the style of play; Heavy ROLE play, Power play...
Play-by-email can be more interesting for me to take the time to look at the situation, then act in character.
Some kind of Diceless Role-Playing system would be good with an e-mail game.

Make mine EPIC!!

I very much prefer to play and run games where the characters are vivid, with dark bits here and there, and who are larger than life. I don't object to games that are gritty so much as I just prefer the epic side of things.

As far as systems, I am fairly flexible, though I'd prefer to use a system that has been published (and well playtested), rather than trying to make the rules myself (I'm lazy enough to only want to do the work I have to do). Diceless ones wouldn't be bad, but I don't really have a lot of experience with them. I'm willing to learn, though, if that's what a group wants. ^__^ If nothing else, it gives me an excuse to experiment. I'm also very happy to run dice-light games using one of the online rolling schema (my preference is to make the rolls myself in some way, though). And I'm willing to run dice-heavy games too (my Friday game was Exalted, after all, where the joke is that if you're not rolling a bucket of dice, you're "doing it wrong"). People's suggestions/requests for systems are very welcome, and if anyone has strong feelings one way or another, it would be good to know.

I think I'd prefer to do Play-by-Post myself, but I'm not >too< tied to that. I'm less interested in doing voice (I really don't like mine...) or even live chat, just because of the stress of matching schedules. ^^; They're do-able, but I'd prefer the lower-pressure text situation.

Is there anyone else here who's interested? Let me know, and I may just start pinning down ideas! ^__^ I >may<, depending on further response, make an offering post via another site (like or, but I'd rather wait until I see if people here have more interest.



Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"


interested, and I agree with the play-by-post thing as well. I've got an OKAY voice, but I really don't like listening to it if I don't have to, no matter how much of a chatterbox I might be.

Melanie E.

I'm an

ex-D&D player and have played around with tons of gaming systems. I'm right now a fan of Palladium books stuff but I like the older Hero system as well. I might be interested in an e-mail play by post but What's the system going to be and setting and who's writing/DM/GM/Narrating the game?

Bailey Summers