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Appearances can be deceiving.

The coolest thing about this may be the look of wonder and joy on the faces of the panelists.



That was awesome!!!

The article is good too. But yes, appearances CAN be deceiving. THANK YOU for sharing this with us, Erin.


Saw this...

kristina l s's picture

... on the news the other night. The looks on the judges faces as she walked out and announced herself... and then started to sing. Almost a standing ovation after the first couple of jaw dropping seconds, absolutely beautiful, brought tears to my eyes.


I think we can ALL learn something from this!

Don't judge others without knowing them first! Pre-judging by appearance CAN be deceiving. Love everyone's differences. By loving each and everyone's differences, we CAN make a difference in this world and make it a better place for all of us. =^_^=
Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf

Yes, I saw this one, too.

What an incredible voice! I loved it, and have to admit that I was in tears as it ended. Even Simon looked like he was stunned. If this lady doesn't get a recording contract after this, there is absolutely NO justice at all in the world. She was great!

Your So right

I watched the performance and she was stupendous! She could give a lot of the well known singers a good run for there money, and her character really showed though. She knew she was good and was not frightened to show it.




A vivid reminder to everyone.

NEVER judge a book by it's cover. I cried through the whole video. Oh! What a voice this angel has! What a wonderful thing to happen to her, to get a chance like the one she has!

I'm just thrilled for her and by her!

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Dreams do come true

Breanna Ramsey's picture

According to this article from the Daily Mirror, Sony BMG is already talking to her about a recording contract.


I cried for her.
I cried for me.
I cried for a world that wouldn’t let her be.
-- from Luna by Julie Anne Peters


The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.
-- Tom Clancy

http://genomorph.tglibrary.com/ (Currently broken)
Twitter: @genomorph


Like others here I was crying well before she reached the end of that stupendous performance. Strangely enough I am also 47 and like her have learning disabilities. That article pointed out all the problems she has had and have overcome. Maybe she isn't trans but what she has gone though makes me feel close to her. Speaking for myself, I think that I'll end up watching every show with her in it. I guess that makes a fan!



Learning disabilities...

Puddintane's picture

Susan's problems were caused by perinatal asphyxia, a disruption of bloodflow/oxygen to the baby during labour, almost always down to poor medical supervision during the birth process. It's surprisingly common, between 1-20 instances per thousand births, and easily preventable in most cases in which medical care is available.





A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style


A woman actually tried to get me to go into training to be a midwife, and I really wanted to but it just did not seem plausible to me that I could be accepted. Raised on a farm, I've seen about every thing "git borned".

The very thing that you mention is but one of the issues that prevented me from going ahead with it.



Wonder how she would sound when she is properly trained ? The irony of it is that if she does make some pounds then she can change her body/face if she wants - FFS, lipo, Trainer etc - If she wants to of course!

Her appeal of course is the incredible contrast and she may not want to do anything until her popularity wains.

She Rocks.


Tried not to cry and failed

terrynaut's picture

I really didn't think I'd cry while viewing that, but when I saw the reaction of the judges and audience before she started, I couldn't help myself. They were all so cruel until she started singing.

The men said they were surprised but they were unapologetic for their initial reactions. Only the woman judge mentioned something about being cynical.

Anyway, I couldn't help crying for joy when Ms. Boyle showed them all that she really could sing. Good for her!

- Terry

What a voice

I just cannot watch this video with out crying,Like Amanda Holden i guess i was just being cynical, But what a voice this woman has,What a loss it would have been to us all if she had decided not to sing again after her mother died...Who knows what the future night hold for Susan Boyle... but one thing is for sure,The world is a better place for her voice.

I watched this...

...from a different source, and then bits again on the local news, with my mom. We were both in tears in seconds. I've never seen Simon so utterly (and rightly!) stunned before, which had me laughing as well. A real reminder that there are hidden gems all around, given just the right chance to catch the light.


Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"

The Sound of Music

Did anyone else flash to the woman who won third place in the music Festival at the end of The Sound of Music?

That equally unpolished character was roundly mocked by the audience for being "different". Her social crime??? Fraulein Schweiger bowed sixteen times.

Our views on life are shaped by what we experience, including the movies we see.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Lets not forget ...

... that the divine Ella Fitzgerald wasn't exactly a raving beauty either but she had one of the most beautiful jazz singing voices. Not having a TV (and if I did I probably wouldn't have watched the programme) I only heard of this through an article in this morning's Guardian and I happened on the YouTube video on HuffPost earlier this evening. She has a remarkable voice and though she was described as 'ugly' in the article I read she seemed a perfectly pleasant woman to me - not glamorous, certainly but not likely to frighten the horses either.

My own music preferences tend towards German lied (Schubert, Mahler and Schumann) but I'm partial to jazz and musicals too so I certainly enjoyed the performance. I hope she finds success.
