Fires in SoCal

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The fires being reported in Southern California are not that near me. The closest is about 30 miles away on the other side of some mountains.

I have friends in those areas, but I checked on them just now, and they are okay.




Fire season can be so scary! Please be careful out there.


Just do it! If ordered to evacuate away from a wildfire ,,,

... with wildfires, you may have less than one chance to Get Out.

Especially with fires, and even with other more 'slow moving' disasters there often comes a point where evacuation may impossible, and shortly after, rescue may also become impossible. Please don't make Urban Search and Rescue, and their search dogs, find your body.

I worked (mostly IT 'in the back room') with FEMA (USA's Federal Emergency Management Agency) cleaning up four of the hurricanes that hit Florida in 2004. (Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne).

My 'certificate of appreciation' gives plus 20 death tolls for each of the four.

California disasters

People often wonder how we can live with earthquakes, when it's really fires which are the major problem. Big earthquakes are rare, but big fires are now commonplace.

4yrs ago a friend lost her home

wolfjess7's picture

A little over 4yrs ago a dear friend of mine lost her home to the wild fires in the Klamathon Fire. She lost everything. It took her almost 2yrs and 4 lawyers to receive her Insurance settlement. Because of the start of the fire was determent to be arson. In the last 19yrs the number of wild fires caused by arson has sadly increased. Not just in California but all across our nation.

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf