Teen Drag

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It was kind of a shock first time I saw this. Each to their own. Who am I to be casting dispersion upon those who want to have fun with a different life style or hobby. Not any different from theater actors and actresses. Teen Drag
Hugs People
Life is a gift, don't waste it.


Good for them

but I'm sure that there will be moves to make this illegal being drafted right now. That's the sad thing here.

It's All a Matter of Perspective

In my youth, the country was highly amused by an Andy Griffith comedy record, "What It Was, Was Football." Griffith describes seeing his first college football game from the perspective of a naive country minister.


Just about everything one human can imagine, another human being can distort and disparage.

It would be hard to create an activity less benign than Teen Drag. Yet, some will gain prestige in their crowd by throwing insults.

While watching TV this morning I learned that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is backing the war in Ukraine by stating that it's a Holy War against western values such as "Gay Pride." His "Leadership" provides the credence Putin needs to slaughter many thousands of innocent people.

Sometimes perspectives kill people.

The death of Mathew Shepard should have taught us that negative perspectives about gays can lead to ghastly consequences.

People have no right to complain about the actions of others unless those actions impact them negatively.

To justify war on the premise that it will stop people from becoming gay. . .is lunacy and criminal.

To question the right of teenagers to compete in a drag contest is pathetic and homophobic.

Barbie - thank you for bringing this to light. It's good to see you posting again.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Religion Greed, Stupidity Kills People

BarbieLee's picture

Hugs Jill, I've read several reasons why Putin decided another nation should be his just because he wanted it. In reality it started with Crimera. He took it and no one raised an objection. That was easy, so a couple years later he decided Ukraine was ripe for the taking. Abhorrent war crimes have been committed by the Russian troops. I'll give a hint at one of them. Millions of abortion pills are being sent to Ukraine, both the morning after and late term abortion pills.
Putin and in essence Russia has no way back out now. They either destroy Ukraine completely and cover up what they have done or face war crimes when Ukraine wins the war. Putin is insane and is threatening nuclear war. If he loses he takes the rest of the world with him.

Back to the teens playing drag. Several states have already outlawed trans. The kids will be removed from the parent and the parents tried for child abuse, going to prison for ten or more years. I'm positive if this was taking place in Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, this would be called trans. lawsuits and prosecutions would be flying hot and heavy. My gov Stitt has passed several exec orders against trans. One of those affects me personally. I'm too damn old for this! Lawsuits are flying and I hope to get my name on a couple of those. I have no idea why chimera or intersex hasn't been added to the lawsuits to prove male or female isn't as black and white as some people want it to be. One of the most beautiful Hollywood stars has PAIS. Her body can't process any of the male hormones. DNA she's male but a gorgeous female body. Sadly, brain scan showing the difference between male and female has been claimed as false science by the ignorant politicians and bible thumpers. Thus even operating with a female brain doesn't make me a female.
I apologize to everyone for most of you will be fighting this greed and ignorance all over the world long after I'm gone. There is no quick fix for stupid especially when it's mixed in with greed and refusal to accept they are wrong despite science showing they are wrong.
Hugs Jill, love you hon
Life is a gift. don't waste it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

What Russia has to do with the topic?

"why Putin decided another nation should be his"
Do you have any proof of the declaration or decision by Putin?
"In reality it started with Crimera. He took it and no one raised an objection."
You can't even spell Crimea... People of Crimea voted in referendum to join Russia. There were international observers who found no major breaches of democratic procedures.
"Putin and in essence Russia has no way back out now."
There is a very simple way out for everybody: Ukraine stops killing civilians, starts criminal investigations against people who killed civilians or ordered bombings of civilians, starts criminal investigation against British, US, Israeli, German, Spanish, Italian "soldiers of fortune" who came to Ukraine to kill "rusnya".
If everybody responsible for killing civilians will be prosecuted - Russia will fulfill all of the goals of "special operation".
BTW, about infamous "bucha"... For three (3) days after Russian troops left nobody noticed bodies on the streets...
PS: Russia has in fact most liberal laws regarding TG people. To get "F" in passport you just have to fill the form and come to the nearest "MultyFunction Center" "in DRAG". I know of no laws requiring you to have any kind of surgery to change a letter in the "gender" box of yor passport.
PPS: There is a law that you should not go preach to children that they should consider if they are L, G, B or T. But if a child comes to understand that they are of the LGBTQIA+ inclination - there is now law prohibiting support for such a child.
PPPS: In "Soviet Russia" if you are able to persuade your psychiatrist that you are TG - most of the HRT and any required surgery is covered by basic health insurance. To translate it to the "western" terms - it is free.
PPPPS: This message will be eliminated as not complying with current anti-Russian laws in three, two, one...

Oh... And about "liberal"...

Most I got while in women's toilet while in full DRAB - was a raised eyebrow. No words were said. (it was a honest mistake on my part, but still...)
Could you claim such a freedom in the US? ;-)

Now that SCOTUS has gutted Roe vs Wade

the draft judgement opens the door to :-
- Banning Gay and Lesbian marriages
- Outlawing interracial marriages (how they could do that with Justice Thomas married to a white lady is beyond me)
- Making it impossible on a federal level for Trans people to legally change their sex.
- Stopping the likes of John Ossof from adopting (he's gay).
Welcome to the land of the Puritans.
I would not put it beyond them to want to bring back burning at the stake.
It is a very sad time for millions of people. If even half this gets enacted I foresee a huge exit of people from the USA.
They'll need to change the words on the Statue of Liberty.

Where Russia leads, the GQP will follow like a good dog.

Afraid not.

charlie98210's picture

I'm afraid that all of your bullet points are based on your own fears...not what was in the draft, which by-the-way, is does not mean that your title is false on its face.

SCOTUS has not ruled yet.

If the other justices don't agree to every word in that draft, it will be revised, changed, and or watered down until they reach an agreement.


Over three hundred anti trans laws

BarbieLee's picture

At least 19 states to offer refuge to trans youth and families ...
https://abcnews.go.com › story
Lawmakers in states like Texas, Louisiana, Arizona and Alabama have proposed bills criminalizing gender-affirming transgender care.

Russian invasion of Ukraine
Breed all the women and the babies will be English. Not funny as the Russians have been calling those of Ukraine Nazis and they invaded to liberate them. Their idea of liberation is skewed like Hitler's ideas.
Men and boys among alleged rape victims of Russian soldiers ...
https://www.theguardian.com › world › may › men-and...
UN chief on sexual violence warns dozens of cases under investigation

Russians have been stealing everything they could get their grubby paws on. Their big five million dollar heist might not turn out so well. New John Deere equipment can be turned into a brick remotely.
Ukrainian John Deere tractors stolen by Russia 'bricked' • The ...
https://www.theregister.com › 2022/05/02 › ukrainian_t...
Millions of dollars worth of John Deere agricultural machinery stolen from a dealership in Ukraine by Russian soldiers. Their idea of helping Ukraine citizens free themselves from oppression?
What a world we live in.
Hugs People
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl