A True Tragedy and a Spirit Lost .....

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Good Evening every one at Big Closet... My name I Melanie....Yes that melanie, from the Autobiography by Prairie_girl_64 AKA Mellissa N. I am sad to report that the wonderful woman whom I knew has passed away due to complications from here surgery of the liver. I am sure that she was a contributor as she waas in her life. She passed away on tuesday evening after succumbing to a heart attack. She had a DNR posted with the doctors and nurses that looked after her. I was personally not aware that she had my contact information. I am glad that she did. I will miss her, I never spent alot of time with her after the trial that ended up being so much stress and heartache for her. I found her login informaton here at her residence and contemplated this memorium to all the authors here at Big Closet. I hade the woneerful oppertunity to get to know this wonderful and generous individual. Mellissa, whom had a very had life, I was glad that she had that oppertunity to share here. I am at a loss for words as she passed away and I was not close enough to be there at her passing. I am hopeful that her stories will be a testament to her fortitude,strength and outlook on life as it was a tragedy. I am hopeful that her story here remains as a testament to her and for her memory as she has stipulated that in her notes with the publisher to her story. There is so much to do. I have to do this as she has no living relative that is worth mentioning. May God Bless her in Heaven and keep her child safe forever.

Mellissa Dawn Northe May 2 1964 - June 10 2008

One of God's Children has come home

Melanie Dixon


Thank youi Melanie Dixon

Prarie_Girl_1964 had a terrible life fron what she told us.

I wouldn't wish it on anyone, well maybe Bin Laden and Jerry Lewis. Sorry, lame humor.

I fear her liver problems were a direct consquence of the hormones her adoptive mom fed her illictly -- suposedly at the insistence of her psycho adoptive dad. To so abuse any child and particularly an adopted one is disgusting. I hope her tormentors, including the step brother rot in hell.

Those illegally fed hormones robbed her of any chance of being a boy, if that was what she wanted. The lingering effects of that and her later prostitution and physical assualt certainly did her no good and robed her of much of her life as a woman.

Do what you can to ensure her story is told and that those who hurt her are exposed to the public.

I am so sorry for her and you.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Tragedy seems to be zeroing in on Top Shelf and it's denizens?

While not a fan of Prairie Girl's work, the loss of yet another of us diminishes us. I send my sincerest condolences to her friends, fans, and Melanie. From what I know of her family, as John so eloquently said, they can rot.

I know that sounds hateful, but if what I read is what is true about her life, I feel justified in saying it. Nevertheless, I know Melissa will be sorely missed, and my heart goes out to all who knew her.

R.I.P. Mellissa. From a bad start in life, you done good, in spite of fate and cruel people trying to keep you down.

Melanie, thank you for keeping us informed. I am so sorry for your loss. Please message me if there's anything I can do?

With respect,
Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

I Was Blessed To Call Her My Friend

jengrl's picture

Mellissa was one of the sweetest people I have ever known. I talked to her on the phone about a month ago and we really became close friends. She sent me an email a couple of weeks ago and told me that she wanted to collaborate on some story ideas after she got home from the hospital. My heart is heavy right now, but I take comfort in knowing that she is reunited with Jennifer and that her pain is no more. My life is so much richer for having known her. I love you my dear friend and I will see you again when it is my time.




I Shall Mourn Her Passing Melanie For She Is My Friend.

Melanie, I shall mourn her loss. I shall miss her take care Melanie. I know that Melissa the Prairie girl is in Heaven and is no longer in pain. She was truly a gentle spirit. I am glad to have met her.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

I had some interactions with her.

I was impressed with her strength of spirit. I would have hoped for better for her. However, I think she is in a better place now.

Many blessings

Gwen Brown


My sincerest condolences

Bless you, for letting us know. We are
sad, but we are also stronger for her.
In our Greif we will share this one
last pain, and know she is now beyond
beyond harm.

My condolences to you Melanie, and all
her friends who will feel this loss, as
I myself do.

Sarah Lynn Morgan