Still not believing this happened.

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I just wanted to share...Especially after the last six years since I ‘came out’ and started my transition. For over two years I had almost no contact with my children, but after a long fight I regained custody of my two oldest... Starting with my oldest two and a half years ago, then my middle last year... They both had been struggling with a parent who was never there (Not me I wasn’t allowed to be there), and had basically been raising themselves. They both moved down here with me struggling to maintain a 2.4 and 2.1 GPA... My middle, who I’ve had for only one year came down here with a 2.1 GPA. After just one year she’s now maintaining a 3.2, and then my oldest... My one time 5lb 3oz baby girl... Graduated last thursday, winning a merit scholarship and graduated with distinction with a 3.78GPA. I’m such a proud parent right now... i just wanted to share. Oh... They didn’t have anything that they felt was ‘appropriate’ for graduation... They both ended up borrowing clothes from “Dad’... lol I never saw that ever happening.

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What wonderful news!

Congratulations to you and to them. Quite an accomplishment for all three of you and you should be very proud of them and of yourself.

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Congratulations! That is so

Congratulations! That is so wonderful. What a lovely family.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}


Wendy Jean's picture

I am so happy for you!


Life can be good. Somehow its easier to enjoy your children's (and grandchildren's) accomplishments than your own. They seem to be as proud of you

Wonderful !

Rebecca, thank you for this wonderful news ,you have made my day !


To your brilliant daughters, and to you as well for having the right outfits for them to wear! :-D

- Leona

Congo Rats

Lovely family! And smart too. You SHOULD feel proud.
