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So a bit of an update on things. I've been trying to finish writing Ch. 5 of Just Keep Rolling and have come to one conclusion---I'm utterly bored with the story. I'm not saying I hate it or the characters, I just feel as if I REALLY want to be writing something else at the moment. This tends to happen to me all the time but lately its been happening more and more. I think half of my problem is that I love my stories and characters too much and just want to keep continuing in their worlds.

So I think I need to take a break from it.

The last day or so I've been toiling away at something else. I've got one chapter of it done and want to continue with it to see where it goes. I'm not sure how long its going to be or anything like that at the moment. I'm not even sure if I'll post it "one chapter at a time" or as one big narrative. I know I want to write all of it before I start posting it though.

Its something different than Just Keep Rolling but i'm having some fun with it. It was also partially inspired by the video I linked below :D




I'm both sorry to hear that, and excited.....

D. Eden's picture

Sorry because I truly am looking forward to seeing how Just Keep Rolling ends, but excited at the idea at yet another story pouring out of your imagination.

Please, may I have my cake and eat it too?


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Can't force it

Podracer's picture

Though I do hope the interest will return and roll once again - I like the story - there's no point if you can't summon the motivation. Though not as a writer, I know how hard it is to pursue something if not fully engaged with it. Looking forward to whatever EOF shows us.

"Reach for the sun."

I can understand the feeling

I can understand the feeling and have done that myself. I forced myself through the story and it came out nothing like the way I wanted it to be.

Go with what makes you the most comfortable. You fought the story before so it might be your own way of telling you that you need time away to let your mind wander and work on something else until writing it is no longer boring. You have another series going, and maybe working on something entirely different will bring you some enjoyment and fun while Just Keep Rolling simmers in the back of your mind.

And I do not blame you one bit over not posting until the entire story is written. I strayed away from doing that and it caused me to lose my train of thought several times and I didn't put my best effort into the ending as I should have.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

I Heard

Daphne Xu's picture

I've heard it said, "Genius is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration." My own personal experience is that creativity has to be exercised, rather than awaited for. Sometimes, one simply has to push through when one is stalled, and very often it comes out different from what you wanted or expected.

With revision, you may work back to your original vision, or you may find that what you have is acceptable or even better. Sometimes, you may have to say that what you have works and leave it there. You might start a new story to try for your original vision.

I'm still trying to push through the sequel to my first story here and on FM. It has been almost two years!

-- Daphne Xu