so if you heard

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so if you heard via nuaan

my comp died via a hard drive going to the place where ----- digital stuff dies

well I am waiting for a new hard drive via the mail and I did save ---as far as I know all I have written! So with that I will be back to writing soon? this weekend maybe?


Tech Fails

jennifer breanna's picture

I'm sorry to hear that, its always disheartens me when my trusted tech fails. But on the bright side you get to shop for new tech, and that can almost be as fun as new shoes, except the boys like visiting the best buy with you. Not so much the shoe store, or the clothing store....Weird.;)

If that's a problem...

If you don't want boys following you to tech stores, there's a simple solution to that, which is usually less expensive for better tech anyways, just buy it online. I always shop for tech toys online, best gear for the lowest prices that way.

I don't actually have a problem with my boy bothering me with my tech toys though... He's about as interested in them as my mother. As long as they do what he wants from them, and that's not a whole lot really, he doesn't give a shit. He DOES play games, sometimes, which is more than my mother does, but he's fine with ancient systems and hasn't even touched any of my newer consoles I brought with me when I moved in with him, let alone games on my computer.

He is rather addicted to mobiles though. He's got an android phone and we have an iPad that originally I configured and it's got me on all its accounts, but he commandeered it shortly after that. Which is sorta lame because I liked to use that to read on so I could lay back and get comfy. Hard to do when you're reading from a computer monitor at a desk... Best I can do there is put my legs up on a second chair and lean back into the back rest of my chair. Since I own a task chair for the desk, rather than a "desk" chair, it doesn't even have arm rests, not that desk chair arm rests are really useful for anything, they just get in the way when you're actually working and are useless for relaxing.

Abigail Drew.

there are easy options to be sure work is saved

dawnfyre's picture

M$ one drive
Google drive

you would need to set the work folder to sync with them, but then the important stuff is always saved.
( I use dropbox, since it will automatically sync across multiple comps without adding multiple services I'm not interested in. )

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

my personal solution

Wendy Jean's picture

is thumb drives. They are cheap. I also have more than one computer in my house, and nowdays I can buy 1Tb for $40 locally.

external drives

Are a good backup storage. For basic data redundancy nothing beats good ol' RAID. That's ultimately where your "cloud" storage goes if you can stand to "trust" them btw, onto clusters of servers each running their own redundant RAID arrays, and each byte of data is mirrored across multiple servers, the servers then mirroring that byte of data across multiple hard drives.

My problem with cloud storage is that I don't trust any of the providers with sensitive data. Saved games, images I don't mind being public domain, I don't care. But if it's personal data... I'll keep that on my own private storage only, thank you very much. This includes my writing up until the point at which I'm ready to share any of it, and then only what I'm ready to share and share for free, goes up on public servers.

Abigail Drew.

Yippie!!! Hard drives arrived!

SO Shadow got the hard drives (yes two drives, a SSD main drive and a secondary storage drive) installed and has windows up and running. Would have been much easier if he didn't live so far away, as I could have just done it rather than talk him through the parts he had trouble with, but that would have probably turned into a beer event for the both of us :)

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Awesome!~ I know the pain of

Awesome!~ I know the pain of being a techie with non-techie friends and having to try to talk them through stuff that seems soooooo basic. I hope you had him give both drives a good solid stress test before installing the OS and copying the data? I know that's like new hardware 101, but... it's becoming especially important with these new SSD drives and the way their internals are set up to do this to hard drives, something that a lot of people used to skip when stress testing new hardware.

Abigail Drew.