We're Here Where Are You ?

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There are a few of us in the chat this Sunday morning, where are the rest of you ? ? ?

Hugs and love,



Angharad's picture

off a bike, quite literally!



Editing ...

Nicole (a.k.a. Itinerant)

Veni, Vidi, Velcro:
I came, I saw, I stuck around.

Nicole (a.k.a. Itinerant)

Veni, Vidi, Velcro:
I came, I saw, I stuck around.

How does one get there?

Gwen Unless I am just dumber than everyone else, I don't see any chat on BC. Is it somewhere else. I don't see links.
Gwen Brown

I wanted to turn up.

But it was on at 3am my time and I needed my sleep.


I forgot

Where is the link to the chat room anyway?

Mr. Ram

Power Outage

for my county kept me offline all day sunday. I finally got it back on at 2:18 in the morning eastern us time. My deepest apologies to everyone :(

    Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf

Hidden from prying eyes.

I remembered but couldn't find the link so I thought I must be mistaken and it must be next week, or perhaps I had missed it and it was last week.

This nearly always happens to me.

Noticing this morning that it did indeed take place, I looked again and finally decided that it, the link, must be amongst the, to me, indecipherable letters in dark blue against the maroon at the top. So I decided to click on all of them to discover if it lurked amongst the secret delights there concealed and, drawing on a life time's experience, started with the last one. And thus I found it first time.

So perhaps next time. If there is a next time.

It's probably my computer but, although my eyesight is good, I cannot read anything in that top double line.




It's not entirely your computers fault.


It isn't just your computer, it is difficult to see, and in very small letters too!

I looked around for quite a while before noticing the link to the chat room. Like you, I didn't give up, I knew it had to be around somewhere!

Maybe if the letters were white instead of blue, they would be more visible.

Mr. Ram