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Life seems to be overwhelming me at the moment. I seem to be perpetually tired so I'm not writing as much as usual and when I do, I have problems posting because my broadband connection is very intermittent. I've tried contacting my ISP but they either don't get the emails or ignore them.

On Tuesday, it will be the 29th anniversary of my transitioning - well going to work in skirts, then the following one is the first anniversary of my son's suicide. His timing was impeccable.

Otherwise, I'm alive and still riding a bike but not as often as I'd like or probably need to do and I thank those who've enquired about my fewer than usual posts of Bike and other stories.



My brother commited suicide,

Wendy Jean's picture

which is how I got to raise his children. It is also what saved my life.

Ang, even though we have never met, and likely never will, I consider you a good friend. Please take care of yourself, both emotionally and physically. Bike can wait, we will be waiting. You are important to many of us.

You are not alone!!!

Rhona McCloud's picture

I didn't realise that a year had gone passed - life is so precious yet so fleeting. In my life as you may know baby Link is hanging in there and, even though born 100 days premature so we may never see him grow to maturity, he has brought joy to many just as you have and your late son did Ang. xxx

Rhona McCloud


Please take care, we all have low points when every thing seems to hinder us or hold us back. But they make the coming good times taste even better. Friends do not have to apologize, we know friends always do the best they can under any circumstances. Another Brian PS: Hope you can get the Pan Am Games from Toronto, Lots of cycling