Fingers crossed please.

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I found a lump somewhere where it's not supposed to be - enough to worry about testicular cancer. Initial screening indicates that it's most likely NOT cancer, but a cyst. Because of its position, it's been causing significant pain, so tomorrow I go under the knife to get it removed (and biopsied if necessary).

I'm always nervous about full anesthesia; complications can always happen. So if you have a moment tomorrow morning, please cross your fingers or send a wish my way.


good luck

will say a prayer for you *hugs*

Thinking of you;

Hope everything goes well.
Good luck under the knife.

Bev. xx


Good luck

erin's picture

And here's hoping for good news, too.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Wishing you the best of luck

I hope you get the best of treatment from the medical profession and everything goes without a hitch.
Good luck.

Back home, and mostly

elrodw's picture

Back home, and mostly recovered from anesthesia (but I'm still a little ... strange. Sorry - surgeons couldn't get rid of _that_!)

large cyst - 4.1 cm. It grew really quickly, which was why I was rather concerned. Okay, really concerned. Now just some rest and recovery while things heal up. To be sure I don't overdo things, I'm taking two days off work to rest and heal. Appreciate everyone thinking of me.

Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein


Thanks for the update and take care of yourself. Hope you are feeling better soon!

Thoughts and prayers

Sorry it's a little late Elrod but my thoughts and prayers myself and my family are with you to make a speedy recovery.

Cheryl xx