
Search results

  1. shelving a story idea (for now)

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing I have talked here about an idea I had for this, my 10th anniversary year- having a character jump from one story universe to another. Unfortunately, my m ...

    - 2019/07/01 - 3:28am - 2 comments

  2. computer fritzed

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Just a quick note to tell everybody my computer is down. I'll be back online when I can be. ...

    - 2019/06/29 - 2:34am - 1 comment

  3. I'm back. Missed me?

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Well, I'm 300 $ poorer, but I'm back online. Did you miss me? ...

    - 2019/07/01 - 3:53pm - 5 comments

  4. new story up!

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing New story up! ...

    - 2019/07/02 - 1:57pm

  5. birthdays

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I have survived another year, and today celebrate my birthday. My birthday wish is that all my friends and family get their wishes granted. ...

    - 2019/07/09 - 8:13pm - 2 comments

  6. shaky days

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical So I've been shaky ever since I shared "six forty five" with my writing group, which is why I've spent so much of my time looking at funny videos on yout ...

    - 2019/07/09 - 8:13pm - 1 comment

  7. A wish for Joy

    Dorothy Colleen General Audience (pg) Drabble ~ 100 words Senior / Sixty+ Wishes Dorothy's Drabbles Posted by author(s) A wish for Joy The old man fingered the ring, then summoned the genie. “What is thy wish?” the genie asked. “I’ve come to realize ...

    - 2019/07/14 - 7:03am - 10 comments

  8. does anybod know how Efdumb is?

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Feels like its been a while since Efdumb has been on, does anybody know if he's okay? ...

    - 2019/07/18 - 11:52pm - 7 comments

  9. rough night

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Rough time at my writing group tonight. one of the ladies brought a piece that triggered one of the other ladies, and it ended up with them both crying. Before I left the le ...

    - 2019/07/20 - 8:24pm - 1 comment

  10. tough day

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical so a very stressful day. Was running errands with my ex, and first I had an anxiety attack and had to go sit in the car for a bit. Then while we were just about done, we got ...

    - 2019/07/23 - 3:17am

  11. writer's block

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Sorry to have to relate that thanks to a combination of a lack of spoons and a case of writer's block it might be a while before I have something for ...

    - 2019/08/01 - 12:46pm - 5 comments

  12. asking for encouragement

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I'm struggling with a sense of being worthless. I'd appreciate any encouragement I can get. ...

    - 2019/08/03 - 12:47pm - 10 comments

  13. what if this is the end?

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical It has been long enough since I wrote anything that I'm starting to wonder if this is the end for me. 10 years of publishing almost every month is a pretty high rate, s ...

    - 2019/08/04 - 8:50pm - 8 comments

  14. girl genius

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing 've been reading a pretty awesome webcomic called Girl genius. Link is here: ...

    - 2019/08/06 - 4:41pm - 6 comments

  15. really bad night

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I dont want to scare people, but if this stupid blog is gonna have any meaning it has to be honest. And honestly last night was one of the worst nights I've had in a lo ...

    - 2019/08/19 - 7:28am - 1 comment

  16. I now have to test my blood sugars

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Well, today I had to buy a blood sugar monitor, and will have to poke myself every morning. sighs... ...

    - 2019/08/19 - 7:28am - 9 comments

  17. "are you a boy or a girl"

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I got asked if I was a boy or a girl at the pool today. I responded that I was a funny looking girl. That seemed to sasttify the questioner ...

    - 2019/08/19 - 7:28am - 4 comments

  18. new story up

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Well, just when I thought maybe I was done as a writer, my muse came back. Check it out, it you wanna: ...

    - 2019/08/18 - 4:37pm - 1 comment

  19. dream time again

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical dream time again. I dreamed I was in a classroom and was getting frustrated because I couldnt make head or tails of the assignment I was given, It got so bad I started to wo ...

    - 2019/08/24 - 12:12am - 4 comments

  20. A big thank you

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Just wanted to say "thank you" to everybody who has given a kudo on my latest story. 161 kudos is pretty amazing for a story that took less than ...

    - 2019/08/27 - 1:20am
