
Search results

  1. Darn Muses

    Want to sell: One very annoying Muse. What do you mean I can't sell you? I don't care for this "stuck for life" thing I wanna see the contract. Well leave my stuff alone. I really did NOT like my wrenches being turned into spoons. Stop ...

    - 2011/11/30 - 7:26am - 3 comments

  2. Thought of this in while soaking in my tub.

    "Santa" "Yes Rudolf" "Don't you think you should change to something more appropriate." "Why do you think this outfit makes me look fat." "No no of course not the dress is very fine and all." "Th ...

    - 2011/11/30 - 7:26am - 2 comments

  3. another soak in tub another story inspired.

    Dearest Marcie If my calculations are correct you should recieve this letter shorty after witnessing the mustang being hit by lightning. Rest assured I am happily living here as the wife to a blacksmith in 1885. I found that I could not repair the X Flux ...

    - 2011/11/30 - 10:00am - 1 comment

  4. tada another nap with a dream..

    I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas I've always loved the gowns worn at the end of that movie, its always been my favorite movie. However I may be guilty of reading too much stuff on this website.... Bob Wallace and Phil Davis are trying to get th ...

    - 2011/12/01 - 2:18pm - 6 comments

  5. Made of Mist

    I am rather proud of this one not sure why and I hope I conveyed the feelings properly though I feel I didn't do them justice. I REALLY want comments It helps me to focus on my stories more. Any happiness in my life makes a huge difference. ...

    - 2011/12/01 - 7:39pm

  6. gosh blast it all.

    I hate muses. Can someone PLEASE tell this muse to leave me in peace. I cannot seem to be able to read more than a paragraph of any story. No this this thing insists I continue to write. I can't play my games, nor watch a movie, nor even sleep. Tis n ...

    - 2011/12/02 - 8:59am - 3 comments

  7. My rules to writing. updated

    There are no rules I forget where I either read or watched that. Its a memorably quote though. Do I have a plot...eeeehhh kinda I know what the ending is sorta. Usually very vaguely. Where do I get my ideas from. The spark for a story comes from anything. ...

    - 2011/12/04 - 10:09am

  8. today

    I want to work on chapter 4 of mistaken girl.....after I finish writing this little story for someone else. Also want to get out to wally world during the day for some catfood and another can of paint. Maybe some makeup ill see. That is gonna take a huge ...

    - 2011/12/05 - 8:58am - 3 comments

  9. chapter 4 is up.

    Author:  Tels tels's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) mistaken girl chapter 4 is up it took awhile to get to moms appearance. never made it to store yet even though its 6 am the next day. Enjoy ...

    - 2011/12/05 - 1:34pm

  10. /cry bad news.

    Author:  Tels tels's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Just got a call from doctor they say I have liver problem and gall stones. Im a bit upset over that. Something called fatty liver. ...

    - 2011/12/05 - 4:01pm - 4 comments

  11. new day new story.

    Although I have sparks for stories every 5 mins and a story develops from a spark to full lenght one by the time I reach the bottom of stairs usually, missing some details among other stuff. I am writing a new one based in part with my love of cars. I am ...

    - 2011/12/06 - 4:59pm - 1 comment

  12. and going and going...

    Author:  Tels tels's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) six hours of almost constant writing of the same story. Ever feel like the energizer bunny. ...

    - 2011/12/07 - 9:15am

  13. Still going.

    Author:  Tels tels's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I can't beleive I am still going strong on this story, nor that the words just seem to flow filling the page fast, I haven;t even gotten to the first date yet and Im proba ...

    - 2011/12/07 - 9:55am - 1 comment

  14. Member for 4 weeks.

    According to my account details I have been a member for 4 weeks. This means that I have been writing, or trying to, for 4 weeks. Mayhaps I doth write too much. In 2 hours I am off to an assessment of a few things. I am scared, my nerves are not the best ...

    - 2011/12/08 - 2:29pm

  15. feel like sheet

    Meh today I feel like crap. Having cramps that come and go and pretty much exhaust me. No its not the runs/trots/diarrhea. Id take that its not as painful and exhausting. Nor would I be swollen like a frigging balloon either. Wanted to work on my stories ...

    - 2011/12/13 - 10:59pm - 3 comments

  16. sorry

    Author:  Tels tels's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Hi people I havent been posting due to personal issues (too many panic/anxiety attacks) hopefully they will finish soon and I can go back to writing. ...

    - 2012/03/02 - 6:47pm - 1 comment

  17. Giggle

    Author:  Tels tels's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I enjoy comments on my stories way more than kudos. Please thank you all for the comments and keep them comming. More comments = more stories. Note: I dont really wanna write c ...

    - 2012/03/03 - 9:09pm - 2 comments


    Author:  Tels tels's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) My muse has picked up the bad habit of making me write again. WTB one dead muse pls. ...

    - 2012/03/23 - 4:53pm - 16 comments

  19. BUT!! updated

    Author:  Tels tels's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I have updated but with a bit more words its not even close to being finished yet but since i got some flu im going back to sleep and will work on it again later. ...

    - 2012/04/10 - 11:35am - 2 comments

  20. BUT!! Updated again.

    Author:  Tels tels's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Im pissed off I had FINNALY finished writing the first chapter of BUT when I clicked save I got 404 server offline msg. Now i have to rewrite the last part again Gonna take a b ...

    - 2012/04/10 - 11:35am - 4 comments
