Friendless in Tampa

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I'm still stuck in tampa and still don't know anyone outside of work. Is there anyone nearby who would like to talk and hang out. If so maybe we can hook up for things. THANKS

I wish I could

HI LittleKatie:

I am sorry. I live about as far from you in the US as one can get. I know what it is like.



I lived in Florida

about 12 years ago in the Volusia county Daytona area.I knew quite a few T's have you tried to find like minded friends in your area or towards Orlando?A good place to find out about lgbt friendly places is ask a cab driver a good one will be unbiased and have a better than average idea of which bars would be good for you to try to make friends.Amy"May your pen never run out of ink and your brain out of ideas"


If you want to meet people. Volunteer for something where people work in groups to accomplish a goal. Habitat for Humanity for example regularly welcomes skilled and unskilled people. And building a house is a great give back to the community.

Then there are the support groups, "tranny" bars, and the University has a GLBT group I'm sure. Your city probably funds a GLBT group that meets as often as once a week.

If none of those suit you... try an ad in the classifieds... or a personal ad in the local GLBT newspaper (I'd bet every major city has at least one)

Then there is the Tampa Winter Pride. I'll bet they need volunteers to organise. (mailto://[email protected])

Oh you can also volunteer at the youth hotlines... I'd stay away from suicide prevention...I know when I was pre-everything... I felt I couldn't help people... as my boat was leaking fast enough on its own. I didn't need anyone throwing their anchor aboard.

Here is a URL: for a person who is TS and moved to tampa.

Its funny. You live in a MAJOR city and can't find sources of companionship. I moved from a METRO region (10 cities all working together as they have grown together) to a "REDNECK" zone where the major source of employement are support for the paper mill, cattle industry, and tourism. (more tourism lately as the papermill is laying people off again). I'm fat and ugly and I gave up on meeting people and having friends a long time ago.

While I pass easily... few want to be seen talking to me and forget about sex... nobody is interested cept me. *laugh* I'm happy to help you find sources of companionship... I've tried them all.
