looking for an editor

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I am looking for an editor to review a semi-authorized sequel to Janice the Dreamer's "Team Spirit". I contacted Janice and told her how much I admired the story and that I had a sequel kicking around in my head. She replied, encouraging me to write it. It is a monster (42 chapters, 630+ pages). I had an editor who had to give up the job due to real life time constraints but he gave me some invaluable input and I finished what he started. I'm looking for someone to give the story a final review before release. If there is anyone out there who is interested, please let me know. Thanks.


Is your muse available for hire? :) I'm practically the opposite - I get story ideas kicking around in my head, but find it very difficult to expand them and add sufficient detail to make anything more than a couple of thousand words...


There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

I don't know if it is a muse

I don't know if it is a muse or just curiosity. I keep asking myself "what would happen next". I try to stay true to what I call the Internal Logic of the story. All fantasy stories have some magical, scientific or other kind of event that puts the story in motion. Once you establish the universe that your story occurs in, you can't violate your own rules. Plotting is paramount. Some ideas can be adequately conveyed in short stories, some require novels. Sometimes you end up with a novel that would have made a better short story. I have great admiration for someone who can write a tight, pithy, moving short story.


I am always available to do editing for authors.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.