Rasufelle's blog

Part IV!... Again.

The proofing/test reading of my story by my loyal subjects (I R UR QU33N LOL) shall be finished shortly, and as soon as I have all required feedback, may the posting begin! I'll try to have the next set of chapters up sooner, as well. After all, it's been, what, almost a month now since the last update? Yeah, that's a bit TOO long for my tastes, so I'll try to make more expedient postage in the future.

Thanks for the support, guys n' gals!

Melanie E.

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Part IV!

Part IV of Echoes will be up soon, following a quick re-re-re-readthrough and a few minor changes to try and make it seem a bit less whiny. With any luck, I'll have it up by Wednesday or Friday!

If anybody wants to read through it and maybe give me ideas on what to change, I always appreciate offers of help, especially from those who have an interest in the story. Thanks!

Melanie E.

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I'm thinking...

I'm thinking I'm gonna go ahead and post the next two chapters of "Echoes", though they haven't been proofed recently.

Also, to anyone reading the story:

There was a suggestion in the comments on the first two chapters concerning Miriam's name: I used some of the phrasing from that comment, and there is an explanation in the story- and it's a lot better in my opinion than that I didn't bother to check name spelling before writing the thing :P

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