Are you happy?

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It may seem a slightly odd question, but a new charity launched yesterday, called "Action for Happiness" (I kid you not - here's proof!).

Apparently, they've worked out that although average incomes have consistently risen over the past five decades, happiness hasn't.

To attempt to make us happier, they've published a list of fifty actions, most of which appear to be backed up by videos, text explaining why you should do it, and a bunch of resources.

They've also produced something called "GREAT DREAM" - ten keys to happier living. Apparently this is based on a review of the latest scientific research into happiness (err... surely it's all a bit subjective though? Then again, you can't exactly wire someone up to an EEG and say their alpha waves indicate they're 85.4% happy.)

G iving Do things for others
R elating Connect with people E xercising Take care of your body A ppreciating Notice the world around T rying Out Keep learning new things   D irection Have goals to look forward to R esilience Find ways to bounce back E motion Take a positive approach A cceptance Be comfortable with who you are M eaning Be part of something bigger

Make of that what you will...


Great advice

I had not seen this list but I must say that the more we concentrate on these things, the happier we are. It takes a great deal of courage for some of us to get out and actually face people and it was very difficult for me at first. However, I can say that it helps bunches if we can push through our anxitey.

Much peace
