Bob & Barbara's Drag Show

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The TV set in our bedroom died the other night, so I popped out to the local big-box appliance store to grab a new set. Setting it up required rescanning the channel spectrum. I guess I should mention that we don't have cable. Well, along with the other 40-something channels we get, a new one popped up, a noncommercial one that carries and promotes high-quality community access and educational content, most of which is in the 5-minute length category.

Based in Philadelphia, most of their content is made by local filmmakers. They also have a website. Poking around that, yielded a short film about a weekly drag show. As a crossdresser myself, I have an objection to munging together the definitions of crossdressers and drag performers, but it made sense in context and other than that I enjoyed the video.

[To watch, click here, then press the Play arrow]

Content is in Flash video format, so you'll need the Flash player, but most web users should have already accumulated one by now as it's used on a high percentage of websites.