Bike Week 2010

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Apparently this week is "Bike Week" - no, nothing to do with Portsmouth's very own soap opera, but (the organisers claim) "a national celebration of cycling!"

Apparently it's "an annual opportunity to promote cycling and show how cycling can easily be part of everyday life. Demonstrating the social, health and environmental benefits of cycling, the week aims to get people to give cycling a go all over the UK. This year they aim to make 'everyday cycling for everyone'!"


Meanwhile, on another subject entirely, someone linked to this picture on Twitter, and for some reason, I couldn't help but think of tablecloths... (tee hee hee!)


Laundry labels

Looking at the picture, the symbols look fairly recent, and not really the sort of thing one might find on heirloom tablecloths.

I do have to agree with the advice though. Mothers have life experience.

Precluding Scrubbing

Bike Archive

I know...

...but something to the effect of "Ask Cathy" on every garment, or just attached to the front of the washing machine (since neither Simon nor Stella know how to operate it - presumably before Cathy turned up, Stella would just dispose of stained items and buy new replacements), wouldn't go amiss in that household!


EAFOAB Episode Summaries

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!


Angharad's picture

every week is BIKE Week.



not really

not every week is bike week, even here.

but every day is bike day.
well, most of 'em.