Crossing the Line

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Every once in a while someone crosses the line. Maybe it's because I'm sick or I'm tired or I'm annoyed about something else.

I've got a reputation here and elsewhere online as a peacemaker and a voice of reason but in actual fact, I have a temper. And sometimes something kicks over the limits and Joyce blows up.

There've been several comments lately on some stories that some sorts of stories are sick and should not be posted here and that the authors who write them are sick. This is not allowed for various good and sufficient reasons I've gone into before.

When some such comments are removed, or in rare cases redacted with notice, someone will occasionally remark that no one is allowed to post criticism here and only positive comments are allowed.

There is a big difference between personal attacks and moral judgements on one hand and literary criticism on the other.

To make this point, I've turned off comments here on BC for a few hours except for authors, editors and moderators.

Most people visiting BC don't even comment and most of those who do comment are authors and most who aren't authors understand the rules. But for a handful of people, I want to make it plain.

No personal attacks. No moral judgements. It's that simple. And this does not constitute stopping all story criticism by any measure. If the only thing one has to say about a story is either a personal attack or a moral judgement, that's not criticism; that's just venting.

Hugs to all,

P.S. Enough of this. After 2.5 hours, I'm turning comments back on.



*Hugs Erin*

You're slowly making this little corner of the internet a better place to be, but it's not always easy.

Thank you for your continued efforts. Many hugs,


"Fun-loving geek-chick looking for someone who doesn't give a damn about her past"


"Fun-loving geek-chick who's addicted to sunlight!"

That's Just Sick

Do you remimber sitting in class and one of the other kids would puke and then the teacher would spray the room with Lysol? Or, can you recall when the janitor would come in and scrub the floor with that pine-scented disinfectant that would make your eyes tear? But then, after they couldn't quite hide the stench someone else would upchuck. Suddenly you felt as if you weren't being sensitive to those who had spewed before you unless you hurled. And some of it got up your nose and instead of feeling good about taking part in a class project, you just couldn't wait for your mom to come to take you home. Ahhh. . .memories.

All topics are welcome at BC. The vast majority of people in the United States get queesy when they watch two men celebrate their wedding with a kiss. Let's not barf just to be part of the crowd.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


Last week, in the US House of Representatives, a Constitutional Amendment was put forth by 70 members of the opposition. Ostensibly, it protects "parental rights" and "family values". It is tied into an ad campaign for similar 'values', and in the end it would allow anyone to deny me, or people like me, or people like the protagonist of most of the stories on this site, any and all types of services because of what they are, since the parent has the right to keep their children for being around such evil.

The bill is discussed here. Some of the efforts and rhetoric in it's support can be seen here. And an explanation and rebuttal of that is here.

I, much like these wingnuts, have a family. And among the things I learned to value at a young age were tolerance and acceptance, but those aren't included in this amendment.


I come to this site for the company as much as the stories. I like almost all of the people around here, but I am very picky these days about what I read. I just constantly feel time pressure form a lot of directions and, with the amount of time I waste just trying to get started, it builds up and makes concentration hard, I guess.

Some stories I skip because of their length (100K or 20 parts or so seems enough to me), some because of their content. There are elements of some stories I really don't like and, I'll walk close to the line and say, there are some elements that make me concerned about the author. I don't read the stories with those elements, even without tags they become clear within a thousand words, and I don't bother to write the writer and tell her (him) I didn't (I'm sure they know their story isn't everyone's cup of tea already).


In my country right now there are media intent on the creation of a siege mentality among a great many people. Those talking heads and baritones, it seems to me, to encourage attacks. Any suggestion that that is unnecessary, any suggestion that it is rude, is seen as a gross attack on one's freedom.

There are a great many places to go on the web where you will be welcomed and allowed to attack people for thinking differently than you do or being different from what you are. I go to to many of them everyday. When I come here it is for a respite, even it I only stay thirty seconds.

I used to have a sig line that said, "Liberty is more than the freedom to be like you." I removed it because it became stale, not because my sentiment changed. I don't know what those 70 sponsors of that amendment think liberty means, they sure throw the word out a lot.

I -- We -- don't have a choice. We have to endure what we don't like, because it is the only protect what we do like. And the attempt to drown out, shout down, and chase away others, is counter-productive.

Maybe, if this new pogrom amendment passes (I really don't think it will; the wingnuts have about thirty such amendments flouting around to tell us what the revolutionary sons of the enlightenment really meant in the Constitution.), then I hope someone will raise her children to hate all cowboys, or something like that. But I hope not.


I hope this doesn't cross the line by being too political, but it is in a blog. If it does, Erin and Erin's aides, feel free to remove it. I can respect other's desire to escape such discussions.

Joy, Jan

Thanks, Erin

It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. I don't envy you the thankless task of keeping this little corner of the cyber world running smoothly. It must be love, because I can't think of any other reason to give up your time keeping BC up and running.

I know that keeping the peace here is hard because so many of us are hurting deep inside, and therefore are more likely to be hurt, take offense, and lash back. Honestly, I don't know how you manage it.

So thanks again!

Ray Drouillard

Bamboo switches work. :)


I never actually intend to offend anyone, but I know that once in a while I get carried away, but I assure you that a couple swats and I am bound to be sooooo repentant. So, if I cross the line, please tell me, K?

Many Blessings
